In this article, we describe the good workflow for setting up a new project in Pharo. We will guide you through the whole process from getting a new Pharo image, creating the GitHub repository, and setting up the CI.
We will demonstrate everything by setting up a toy project - Counter
, inspired by Chapter 14. Seaside by Example of Pharo by Example book. It is a simple class that has a value which can be incremented or decremented.
In order to work with Pharo, you should dowload and install Pharo Launcher - a tool for managing Pharo images. It is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS in both 32bit and 64bit version and can be dowloaded from
Instructions in this tutorial were written for Pharo 8, 64bit. But they should also work fine for Pharo 7. We suggest that you start your new project with the latest development version of Pharo.
Open your Pharo Launcher. You will see two panels:
- New Image Templates on the left - here you can select a template of a new image that you want to create on your machine.
- Current Images on the right - created images will appear here. By double-clicking on image name, you can launch it.
Open the list of Official distributions
in the left panel and double-click on the latest development version of Pharo. In our case, this is Pharo 8.0 - 64bit (development version, latest)
. Give a nice descriptive name to your new image and press OK
. You can now find your image in the right panel. Launch it by double-clicking on the image name.
!! ( In Pharo 13 or more latest version, we have "slots: { #variable }" instead of "instanceVariableNames: 'variable'" )
Let us make our first package. In your newly made image in Pharo Launcher, in the top menu bar choose Tools then System Browser.
System Browser is the main tool to develop a project in Pharo. It allows browsing packages, classes, protocols and methods. The most left panel shows all the packages that already exist. To create a new one, press the right click of a mouse on this part, and choose the option New Package.
Choosing it, a new small window will open, where you give a name to the package you are creating. Type the name Counter and press ok.
To create a class, first you need to choose the package in which it will be located. Then look at the bottom part of the System Browser in it there is a template for creating a class. It gives us all the information we need: superclass, variables, package. Creating a new class is as easy as filling out this template. Continuing with our example, we will create a new class MyCounter. The superclass is Object, so we will not change that. But we will change the name of the class. You will notice that saving our class, the second left part of SystemBrowser is no longer empty.
If we want to follow the TDD (test driven development), we first need to create tests. All tests are stored in a test class, which is a subclass of TestCase. This class can be generated by doing a right-click on the class name and selecting Jump to test class. This option will generate a test class in a new package Counter-Tests.
Next what we need to do is create some tests. We do this by clicking on out test class, choosing a protocol in second from the right part of the Browser, and implementing a test.
In case there are no protocols to choose from (this happens in cases when we are making our first test), then we need to add a new one. This is done by pressing a right click on instance side, going to New protocol option and picking a protocol you need (in our case tests).
After we have choosen a protocol, our bottom part of System Browser will change and show a template for making methods (each test is a separate method). When giving a name it is important to put the word test first, so that Pharo knows that what we are making is in fact a test.
In our example, a counter will be incrementing and decrementing some value. You will notice that we are using methods which have not been created yet and that each test you write will fail (be red) when you run it.
We can make these tests:
Creating MyCounter object: We want to check if the object we created is not equal to nil, that is why we are using self deny: message. This will to a check if the statement we send is true and if it is return false.
"A test that will check if the creation of an object MyCounter is done properly"
tmp := MyCounter new.
self deny: (tmp = nil)
Incrementing value: Here we want to check if the method increment is really doing his job and adding one to the value. What we did here is: created a new object MyCounter, set the test value, call the method increment and checked if the new value is equal to an expected result. Here we use self assert: key word message, which returns true if the statement is in fact true.
"A test that will check if method increment is working properly.
Test value 5. Expected result 6."
counter := MyCounter new.
counter value: 5.
counter increment.
self assert: (counter value = 6)
Decrementing value: Here we are checking if the method decrement is doing his job and subtracting one from the value. The process of creating this test is similar to previous one.
"A test that will check if method decrement is working properly.
Test value 5. Expested result is 4."
counter := MyCounter new.
counter value: 5.
counter decrement.
self assert: (counter value = 4)
Now that we have create tests (which are all red), we need to implement methods that we have been testing. Switch to MyCounter class for this part.
The first thing that you probably have noticed already is that most of our methods are working with some kind of value. This is a number which we are assigning to our counter. Therefore, value is an instance variable of a class MyCounter. Choose your class and add this variable.
If we have a variable, we need to assure access to it, by making value and value: anInteger methods. They will allow putting some integer as a new value (value: anInteger) and retrieving the current value (value).
"Method that returns variable value."
value: anInteger
"Method that sets *anInteger* as a variable value."
value := anInteger
To make the first test work, we need to implement initialization of an object. Method init will be in initialization protocol and it will assign some default integer to the variable value.
"Method for initialization.
Setting variables to some default values. For example 0."
value := 0
Now we will show the implementation on method increment. This method is adding one to variable value and putting this new number as value. Implementation for method decrement will be similar.
"This method adds 1 to variable value."
self value: (value + 1)
"This method subtracts 1 from variable value."
self value: (value - 1)
After you have added all the methods, go to your test class and run your tests. Notice that all of them are green now.
Baselines allow us to manage dependencies and specify how the repository should be loaded. We can use Metacello
object to load the project that has a baseline defined for it. In this tutorial we will only show an example of creating a baseline for our simple Counter
project. For more information on baselines, please read this excellent Baselines guide on Pharo Wiki.
Start by creating a package called BaselineOf<YourProjectName>
and the class with the same name which is the subclass of BaselineOf
. In our case, both package and class are called BaselineOfCounter
BaselineOf subclass: #BaselineOfCounter
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'BaselineOfCounter'
Now create a method BaselineOfCounter >> baseline:
with the following content:
baseline: spec
spec for: #common do: [
package: 'Counter';
package: 'Counter-Tests' with: [ spec requires: #('Counter') ] ].
At this point, our baseline does not contain any external dependencies. It only says that our project consists of two packages: Counter
and Counter-Tests
and that the package Counter-Tests
depends on Counter
To create the repository on GitHub, first you need to visit the site and either sign in (if you already have an account) or sign up (to make a new account). Go to your profile and choose Repositories.
In the right corner there will be a button New, press it to create a new repository.
In newly opened window add name; description and README if you choose. You can also decide who will see your repository (Public - everyone; Private - you select people who will have access). After filling the necessary information, press create repository button.
It is a good practice to put all your source packages into a separate folder, usually called src/
. This ensures that as the number of packages grows, people will not have to scroll a lot to see README. It also makes repository structure cleaner because source code is separated from documentation, licence, etc. You can navigate into the working directory of your repository and create the src/
folder manually or execute the following line in your Playground to have Pharo create the folder for you:
(FileLocator localDirectory / 'iceberg' / '<userName>' / '<projectName>' / 'src') ensureCreateDirectory