diff --git a/owasp-dependency-check/README.md b/owasp-dependency-check/README.md
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index 0000000..1f22382
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+++ b/owasp-dependency-check/README.md
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+# OWASP Dependency-Check
+Dependency-Check is a utility that identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities.
+For more information please visit https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Dependency_Check
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diff --git a/owasp-dependency-check/pom.xml b/owasp-dependency-check/pom.xml
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index 0000000..edf1ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/owasp-dependency-check/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
+         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+    <groupId>net.petrikainulainen.maven</groupId>
+    <artifactId>owasp-dependency-check</artifactId>
+    <version>0.1</version>
+    <packaging>jar</packaging>
+    <name>OWASP dependency check with Maven</name>
+    <description>OWASP dependency check with Maven</description>
+    <licenses>
+        <license>
+            <name>Apache License 2.0</name>
+            <url>http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</url>
+        </license>
+    </licenses>
+    <properties>
+        <skipOwasp>false</skipOwasp>
+    </properties>
+    <build>
+        <pluginManagement>
+            <plugins>
+                <plugin>
+                    <groupId>org.owasp</groupId>
+                    <artifactId>dependency-check-maven</artifactId>
+                    <version>1.3.3</version>
+                    <configuration>
+                        <skip>${skipOwasp}</skip>
+                    </configuration>
+                    <executions>
+                        <execution>
+                            <phase>test</phase>
+                            <goals>
+                                <goal>check</goal>
+                            </goals>
+                        </execution>
+                        <execution>
+                            <id>report</id>
+                            <phase>prepare-package</phase>
+                            <goals>
+                                <goal>aggregate</goal>
+                            </goals>
+                        </execution>
+                    </executions>
+                </plugin>
+            </plugins>
+        </pluginManagement>
+        <plugins>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.owasp</groupId>
+                <artifactId>dependency-check-maven</artifactId>
+            </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+    </build>
+    <dependencies>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>com.google.guava</groupId>
+            <artifactId>guava</artifactId>
+            <version>19.0</version>
+        </dependency>
+    </dependencies>
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diff --git a/owasp-dependency-check/src/main/java/net/petrikainulainen/HelloWorld.java b/owasp-dependency-check/src/main/java/net/petrikainulainen/HelloWorld.java
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index 0000000..0469a6c
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+++ b/owasp-dependency-check/src/main/java/net/petrikainulainen/HelloWorld.java
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package net.petrikainulainen;
+import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
+public class HelloWorld {
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        String hello = "hello world";
+        checkArgument(hello != null && !hello.isEmpty(), "Expected non-null or non-empty string");
+        System.out.println(hello);
+    }