As soon as you have to do work with background jobs please follow those suggestions. They will help you having a proper system to do background work. We use sidekiq because it works well on Heroku and is easy to setup (suckerpunch for example causes memory issues on Heroku).
Add the following gem
gem 'sidekiq'
to theproduction
block and install itbundle install
Update the
and set theworker
line, so it looks like this:web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb worker: bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml
Configure the active job adapter in
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
Configure the active job adapter in
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :async
Configure the active job adapter in
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :test
Create a file
, there you can setup your options for sidekiq. It could look something like this. You may need to inform yourself about what queue configuration is right for your project.:concurrency: <%= ENV["SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY"] || 5 %> :queues: - [mailers, 1] - [default, 1]
Note: if you are on the free Redis plan you may need to limit your concurrency to not exceed the connection limit.
On Heroku you need to:
- Add the Heroku Redis addon
- And to start it turn on the worker
To run Sidekiq locally you need to:
- Temporarily switch the adapter in
toconfig.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
- Install Redis if not yet installed
brew install redis
- Start Redis
- Start Sidekiq
bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml
- Start your server
- Temporarily switch the adapter in
If you need finer graded control about your scheduled jobs than the Heroku scheduler provides you, you can use Sidekiq-Cron. This way you can for example schedule a job every minute.
Add the following gem
gem 'sidekiq-cron'
and install itbundle install
and add the following lines:if defined? Sidekiq schedule_file = 'config/schedule.yml' if File.exist?(schedule_file) && Sidekiq.server? errors = Sidekiq::Cron::Job.load_from_hash!(YAML.load_file(schedule_file)) Rails.logger.error "Errors loading scheduled jobs: #{errors}" if errors.any? end end
create file
. There you can specify your jobs. A simple job which runs every 5 minutes could look something like this. (For more options, see the Readme of the gem)MyExampleJob: cron: "*/5 * * * *" class: "MyJob" queue: default
If you want to provide a sidekiq dashboard and see which tasks failed or run through, you can use the Sidekiq monitoring:
and add the following lines:if defined? Sidekiq require 'sidekiq/web' Sidekiq::Web.use(Rack::Auth::Basic) do |user, password| [user, password] == [ENV['SIDEKIQ_USER'], ENV['SIDEKIQ_PASSWORD']] end end
as the credentials to the dashboard to yourapplication.example.yml
. -
Add the following line inside
:Rails.application.routes.draw do ... mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq' if defined? Sidekiq::Web ...
In order to report messages, exceptions or to trace events, it is recommended to install the sentry-sidekiq