- Visit Wallee.
- Go to
->Application User
, create a new user and store the credentials. - Go to
and setup a new processor. ChooseBogus Processor
for testing.
Use the
gem to interact with the Wallee API.# Gemfile gem 'wallee-ruby-sdk'
Configure the credentials
# config/initializers/wallee.rb Wallee.configure do |config| config.user_id = ENV.fetch("WALLEE_APP_USER_ID") config.authentication_key = ENV.fetch("WALLEE_APP_AUTHENTICATION_KEY") end
Add a tool class to create a payment page URL. Be aware that this is very simple tooling.
# app/models/wallee/payment_page.rb module Wallee class PaymentPage SPACE_ID = ENV.fetch("WALLEE_SPACE_ID") # Simplest Payment integration I could think of. # Attention: Check VAT, shipping address and shipping method # # @example # Wallee::PaymentPage.url_for( # cart: [ # {name: "Eintritt Erwachsene", sku: "adult_entry", price: 30, quantity: 2} # ], # address: { # city: "Zürich", # country: "CH", # email_address: "[email protected]", # family_name: "Muster", # given_name: "Hans", # postcode: "8000", # street: "Musterstrasse 1" # } # ) do |transaction| # # Save transaction.id to the order # end def self.url_for(cart:, address:, reference:, success_url: nil, failed_url: nil, &) raise "Cart is empty" if cart.empty? raise "Bad cart format" unless cart.all? { |item| item.keys == [:name, :sku, :price, :quantity] } line_items = cart.map.with_index do |item, index| Wallee::LineItemCreate.new({ amountIncludingTax: item[:price] * item[:quantity], name: item[:name], quantity: item[:quantity], shippingRequired: true, sku: item[:sku], taxes: [Wallee::TaxCreate.new({rate: 0, title: "VAT"})], type: Wallee::LineItemType::PRODUCT, uniqueId: "#{item[:sku]}-#{index}" }) end billing_address = shipping_address = Wallee::AddressCreate.new( city: address[:city], country: address[:country], emailAddress: address[:email_address], familyName: address[:family_name], givenName: address[:given_name], postcode: address[:postcode], street: address[:street] ) transaction_create = Wallee::TransactionCreate.new({ billingAddress: billing_address, currency: "CHF", customerPresence: Wallee::CustomersPresence::VIRTUAL_PRESENT, failedUrl: failed_url, language: "de_CH", lineItems: line_items, merchantReference: reference, shippingAddress: shipping_address, shippingMethod: "Brief A-Post", successUrl: success_url }) transaction_service = Wallee::TransactionService.new transaction = transaction_service.create(SPACE_ID, transaction_create) Rails.logger.info "Wallee transaction created for #{reference}, see #{admin_url(transaction.id)}" yield transaction.freeze if block_given? transaction_payment_page_service = Wallee::TransactionPaymentPageService.new transaction_payment_page_service.payment_page_url(SPACE_ID, transaction.id) end def self.admin_url(transaction_id) "https://app-wallee.com/s/#{SPACE_ID}/payment/transaction/view/#{URI.encode_uri_component transaction_id}" end end end
Add the tests
# spec/models/wallee/payment_page_spec.rb require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe Wallee::PaymentPage do describe ".url_for" do subject(:url_for) { described_class.url_for(cart: cart, address: address, reference: "my-transaction") } context "when cart is empty" do let(:cart) { [] } let(:address) { double } it "raises an error" do expect { url_for }.to raise_error("Cart is empty") end end context "when cart is in bad format" do let(:cart) { [{blub: 30, quantity: 2}] } let(:address) { double } it "raises an error" do expect { url_for }.to raise_error("Bad cart format") end end context "when cart is valid", vcr: "wallee/payment_url_success" do let(:cart) do [ {name: "Eintritt Erwachsene", sku: "adult_entry", price: 30, quantity: 2}, {name: "Eintritt 16-24 J.", sku: "child_6_10_entry", price: 24, quantity: 1}, {name: "Eintritt 11-15 J.", sku: "child_11_15_entry", price: 18, quantity: 0}, {name: "Eintritt 3-10 J.", sku: "child_16_24_entry", price: 10, quantity: 1}, {name: "Gutscheinkarte", sku: "free_coupon", price: 50, quantity: 1} ] end let(:address) do { city: "Zürich", country: "CH", email_address: "[email protected]", family_name: "Muster", given_name: "Hans", postcode: "8000", street: "Musterstrasse 1" } end it { is_expected.to match(URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(["https"])) } context "when given a block" do it "yields a transaction" do expect { |b| described_class.url_for(cart: cart, address: address, reference: "1", &b) }.to yield_with_args(Wallee::Transaction) end end end end describe ".admin_url" do it "generates an admin url for a transaction" do expect(described_class.admin_url("1337")).to match(URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(["https"])) end it "escapes transaction id" do expect(described_class.admin_url("#")).to include("%23") end end end
Redirect to the payment page in your controller
redirect_to Wallee::PaymentPage.url_for(…) do |transaction| # Save transaction.id to the order or whatever you need end
You're done. You can receive money now if you setup a real payment processor. Customers can receive emails directly from Wallee and you can print shipping labels from the Wallee backend.
Often a payment page is not enough. You need to know the payment state in your Rails app.
You can either poll the Wallee API or use a webhook. Here's an example of a webhook controller.
Be aware that this is quite integrated with the business logic of your app, e.g. see the ShopOrder
Add the route
# config/routes.rb post "shop/wallee_webhook", to: "shop#wallee_webhook"
Add the controller
# app/controllers/shop_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController def wallee_webhook request_payload = request.body.read signature = request.env["HTTP_X_SIGNATURE"] if signature.blank? Rails.logger.info "Signature missing" head :bad_request and return end webhook_encryption_service = Wallee::WebhookEncryptionService.new unless webhook_encryption_service.is_content_valid(signature, request_payload) Rails.logger.info "Webhook signature invalid" head :bad_request and return end entity_type, entity_id = JSON.parse(request_payload).slice("listenerEntityTechnicalName", "entityId").values if entity_type == "Transaction" transaction_service = Wallee::TransactionService.new transaction = transaction_service.read(ENV.fetch("WALLEE_SPACE_ID"), entity_id) order = ShopOrder.find_by!(wallee_transaction_id: transaction.id) order.update!(wallee_transaction_state: transaction.state) else Rails.logger.info "Unknown entity type: #{entity_type}" head :bad_request end end end
Add the tests
require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe ShopController do describe "#wallee_webhook" do context "when signature is not valid" do it "returns http bad request" do post wallee_webhook_path, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) end end # Set wallee_transaction_id to something which exists on Wallee before rerecording this cassette context "when signature is valid", vcr: "wallee/webhook_success" do before do allow_any_instance_of(Wallee::WebhookEncryptionService).to receive(:is_content_valid).and_return(true) end let(:wallee_transaction_id) { "194681414" } it "goes the 😊 path" do create(:shop_order, wallee_transaction_id: wallee_transaction_id) post wallee_webhook_path, env: {"HTTP_X_SIGNATURE" => "fake"}, params: {listenerEntityTechnicalName: "Transaction", entityId: wallee_transaction_id}, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end end describe "order update" do before do allow_any_instance_of(Wallee::WebhookEncryptionService).to receive(:is_content_valid).and_return(true) allow_any_instance_of(Wallee::TransactionService).to receive(:read).and_return(instance_double(Wallee::Transaction, id: "194681414", state: wallee_transaction_state)) create(:shop_order, wallee_transaction_id: wallee_transaction_id, wallee_transaction_state: "PENDING") end let(:order) { ShopOrder.find_by(wallee_transaction_id: "194681414") } let(:webhook_request) do post wallee_webhook_path, env: {"HTTP_X_SIGNATURE" => "fake"}, params: {listenerEntityTechnicalName: "Transaction", entityId: "194681414"}, as: :json end context "when transaction has failed" do let(:wallee_transaction_state) { Wallee::TransactionState::FAILED } it "updates the order" do expect { webhook_request }.to change { order.reload.wallee_transaction_state }.from("PENDING").to("FAILED") end it "does not fulfill" do expect(ApplicationMailer).not_to receive(:order_confirmation_mail).and_call_original webhook_request end end context "when transaction is complete" do let(:wallee_transaction_state) { Wallee::TransactionState::FULFILL } it "updates the order" do expect { webhook_request }.to change { order.reload.wallee_transaction_state }.from("PENDING").to("FULFILL") end it "does fulfill" do expect(ApplicationMailer).to receive(:order_confirmation_mail).and_call_original webhook_request end end end end end
… and you're far from done. You need to handle errors, other state changes, and so on. But this is a good start.
Oh, and you need to setup the webhook in the Wallee backend, so that it actually sends requests to your Rails app.