The NSObject test shouldn't be necessary.
The NSObject test shouldn't be necessary.
Handle a couple of situations.
Handle a couple of situations.
Call cell converter after edit and set the value back into the sender…
Call cell converter after edit and set the value back into the sender…
Add support for List2 appendColumn and removeColumn
Add support for List2 appendColumn and removeColumn
check if the comboBox uses a dataSource to retrieve and call the chan…
check if the comboBox uses a dataSource to retrieve and call the chan…
fixing deprecated inspect methods
fixing deprecated inspect methods
Add support to retrieve which cell is edited
Add support to retrieve which cell is edited
Add support for enable in a radio StackGroup
Add support for enable in a radio StackGroup
Fix superclass __init__ invokation
Fix superclass __init__ invokation
add support for bordered in a PopUpButton and a list2 PopUpButton
add support for bordered in a PopUpButton and a list2 PopUpButton