Otto RFCs This directory contains design documents related to the design and implementation of Otto. It loosely follows the process used for Python Enhancement Proposals. RFCs Below is the list of RFCs: Number Title Status 0001 Otto System Design Draft 💬 0002 Execution Manifest Not Submitted ℹ️ 0003 Resource allocation by auction Draft 💬 0005 JSON over HTTP for data serialization and transport Draft 💬 0010 Eventbus design and implementation Not Submitted ℹ️ 0011 Step library packaging format Draft 💬 Statuses Not Submitted ℹ️ - Still half-baked. Draft 💬 - Mostly baked and needing review. Deferred ⌛ - Put on the back-burner. Accepted 👌 - Officially canon. Rejected ⛔ Withdrawn ✋ Final 🔒 Replaced 🗡️ - superceded by a later RFC. Active 😄 - Implemented.