36 | 36 | <!-- Add an empty header to the first level1 w/o h1 in the frontmatter -->
37 | 37 | <xsl:template match="dtb:frontmatter//dtb:level1[@class='titlepage'][1][not(dtb:h1)]">
38 | 38 | <xsl:variable name="language" select="('de',ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang|@lang]/(@xml:lang|@lang)[1])[last()]"/>
39 |
| - <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('Bibliographische Angaben',$language,$translations)"/> |
| 39 | + <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('Bibliographische Angaben', $language, $translations)"/> |
40 | 40 | <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="addHeading">
41 | 41 | <xsl:with-param name="level" select="1"/>
42 | 42 | <xsl:with-param name="blurb" select="$blurb"/>
46 | 46 | <!-- Add an empty header to all level1 w/o h1 in the frontmatter -->
47 | 47 | <xsl:template match="dtb:frontmatter//dtb:level1[not(dtb:h1)][not(@class='titlepage')]">
48 | 48 | <xsl:variable name="language" select="('de',ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang|@lang]/(@xml:lang|@lang)[1])[last()]"/>
49 |
| - <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('header',$language,$translations)"/> |
| 49 | + <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('header', $language, $translations)"/> |
50 | 50 | <xsl:variable name="total" select="count(../dtb:level1[not(dtb:h1)][not(@class='titlepage')])"/>
51 | 51 | <xsl:variable name="pos" select="count(preceding-sibling::dtb:level1[not(dtb:h1)][not(@class='titlepage')])+1"/>
52 | 52 | <xsl:variable name="title" select="if ($total > 1) then concat($blurb,' ', $pos) else $blurb"/>
66 | 66 | <!-- Add an empty header to all level1 w/o h1 in the rearmatter -->
67 | 67 | <xsl:template match="dtb:rearmatter//dtb:level1[not(dtb:h1)]">
68 | 68 | <xsl:variable name="language" select="('de',ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang|@lang]/(@xml:lang|@lang)[1])[last()]"/>
69 |
| - <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('trailer',$language,$translations)"/> |
| 69 | + <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('trailer', $language, $translations)"/> |
70 | 70 | <xsl:variable name="total" select="count(../dtb:level1[not(dtb:h1)])"/>
71 | 71 | <xsl:variable name="pos" select="count(preceding-sibling::dtb:level1[not(dtb:h1)])+1"/>
72 | 72 | <xsl:variable name="title"
79 | 79 |
80 | 80 | <xsl:template match="dtb:bodymatter//dtb:level1[not(dtb:h1)]">
81 | 81 | <xsl:variable name="language" select="('de',ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang|@lang]/(@xml:lang|@lang)[1])[last()]"/>
82 |
| - <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('original-without-numbering',$language,$translations)"/> |
| 82 | + <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('original-without-numbering', $language, $translations)"/> |
83 | 83 | <xsl:variable name="level" >
84 | 84 | <xsl:choose>
85 | 85 | <xsl:when test="local-name() = 'level1'">1</xsl:when>
98 | 98 | dtb:bodymatter//dtb:level5[not(dtb:h5)]|
99 | 99 | dtb:bodymatter//dtb:level6[not(dtb:h6)]">
100 | 100 | <xsl:variable name="language" select="('de',ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang|@lang]/(@xml:lang|@lang)[1])[last()]"/>
101 |
| - <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('without-heading',$language,$translations)"/> |
| 101 | + <xsl:variable name="blurb" select="pf:i18n-translate('without-heading', $language, $translations)"/> |
102 | 102 | <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="addHeading">
103 | 103 | <xsl:with-param name="level" select="substring-after(name(), 'level')"/>
104 | 104 | <xsl:with-param name="blurb" select="$blurb"/>
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