- A Mac, Windows 10 or Linux Laptop connected to the internet. A hard-wired connection is recommended for streaming.
Make sure the following are installed on your laptop:
- Visual Studio Code
- Java Development Kit version 8 or higher.
- Apache Maven version 3.0 or higher.
- The Azure CLI
- No prior knowledge of Azure is required, just an open mind and curiosity about learning Azure
- Basic exposure to terminal / command line
- This workshop requires an Azure account - Sign up for an Azure trial account if you don't have one already at https://azure.microsoft.com/free
- This workshop requires a GitHub account that can run GitHub actions.
- You should be able to to fork and clone a git repo from GitHub
- PRO TIP : Signing into GitHub via VS Code before the workshop to save a little time.
- Also feel free to fork and clone these repos:
- https://github.com/bbenz/devopsforjavashops-TestABAzureDevOPs
- https://github.com/bbenz/devopsforjavashops-TestFeatureFlags