This is an ongoing work in progress and reflects various material obtained while stuying how to use radare2. This wiki is constantly updated. Feel free to tweet to me
if there is a tidbit I can include in here.
All the commands are based (started) with the following Radare version:
radare2 2.1.0-git 16575 @ linux-x86-64 git.2.0.1-245-g48bfa50
commit: 48bfa5087bed71be501e4c37933c0fe1298d817e build: 2017-11-14__02:43:49
Visual cues:
🚀 Means there is an asciinema
⭐ Great command to remember
❓ Means unverified or no information
SecurisecCTF is looking for new members! We are an open to all Slack community focused on all aspects of information security, and CTF team! Anyone with any skill level is welcome to join. Our goal is to teach/learn from each other. #ctf #infosec This is not a radare2 group, or is not affiliated with radare2 in anyway We do promote healthy discussions on reverse enginnering!
- Using wiki.js > To get a local copy of this wiki check out github
- Using mkdocs (Is slightly behind the wiki.js implementation)
pip install mkdocs
-git clone
-cd r2wiki-rtd
-mkdocs serve
CTF solving using radare2 / Blogs
Introduction · Radare2 Explorations
Tutorial 3, memory manipulation is really good
Local copy of cheatsheet (obtained from radare2)
Radare2 Debugger Complete Cheat Sheet Flashcards | Quizlet
If you are one a *nix system, install using github.
Pre packaged binaries for windows and other archs.
Usage examples directly from radare2 git
Help regarding plugin creation
Radare2 can be downloaded from here
To convert IDA pro .idc or .idb files to be used in radare2, You can use file.idc > file.r2
to convert IDA database to r2 format. This can then be loaded into radare2 using. file.r2
inside the radare2 shell. Alternate method is to use.! < file.idc
inside the radare2 shell-
🚀 IDA pro .idb files can be converted using
asciinema- Dependencies: idb
pip install python-idb
- Dependencies: idb
See previews of all the Themes