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45 lines (39 loc) · 5.24 KB

File metadata and controls

45 lines (39 loc) · 5.24 KB



Breaking Changes

  • The library now internally uses react-native-safe-area-context. Make sure you have react-native-safe-area-context installed, and that NotifierRoot/Wrapper is wrapped by SafeAreaProvider.
  • Component is unmounted while the notification is not visible.
  • containerStyle now only accepts a simple style object and cannot be used to change animation. Use animationFunction instead.
  • The "Hide Timer" (duration param) now starts after the “appearing” animation finishes, rather than when it starts. If you use a long “appearing” animation, you may want to reduce the duration (3 seconds by default).
  • The swipeEnabled parameter has been removed. To disable swipes, set swipeDirection: 'none'.
  • The parameters animationDuration, showAnimationDuration, hideAnimationDuration, swipeAnimationDuration, easing, showEasing, hideEasing, swipeEasing have been removed. Use showAnimationConfig, hideAnimationConfig, swipeOutAnimationConfig, resetSwipeAnimationConfig instead.
  • The default showAnimationConfig is now set to a spring animation when Component != NotifierComponents.Alert.


  • Support for different positions. A notification can be placed at top, bottom, or any edge of the screen using the position parameter.
  • Introduced new params: enterFrom, exitTo, and swipeDirection. These control the direction of entering/exiting animations and allow swiping not only to the top but also left, right, and down.
  • New animationFunction parameter for creating custom animations.
  • Each notification now has its own ID. The default ID depends on the idStrategy parameter, and you can also assign one manually. If a notification with the same ID is already shown, the result of showNotification depends on duplicateBehavior.
  • New duplicateBehavior parameter describing how the Notifier should behave if a notification with the same ID is already shown.
  • New idStrategy parameter, which defines how a default ID is generated if none is provided.
  • New updateNotification method that updates a currently visible notification.
  • New shakeNotification method that shakes a currently visible notification to attract the user's attention and optionally resets the duration timer.
  • New isNotificationVisible method: Returns a boolean indicating if any notification is currently visible.
  • New methods: updateById, shakeById, isVisibleById, and hideById. These methods only affect a notification if the provided ID matches the one of the currently visible notification.
  • Calling showNotification returns update, hide, shake, and isVisible functions for manipulating the notification.
  • You can mount multiple instances of NotifierWrapper/NotifierRoot and still control them using global Notifier.* methods. The most recently mounted instance is controlled first; if it unmounts, control reverts to the previously mounted instance.
  • It's possible to broadcast commands to all mounted instances of Notifier via Notifier.broadcast.*. This can be used, for example, to hide all notifications or clear the queue and hide them using Notifier.broadcast.hideNotification().
  • Custom handling for safe area insets (based on react-native-safe-area-context's useSafeAreaInsets hook) in all built-in components, plus a simple API for using the same insets in custom components. It also handles keyboard offset when a notification is displayed at a bottom position. All components receive an offsets object and a ViewWithOffsets component as props. Related parameters: ignoreSafeAreaInsets, ignoreKeyboard, ignoreKeyboardHeight, additionalKeyboardOffset, additionalOffsets.
  • Using new *AnimationConfig parameters, it is now possible to run Spring animations with fully customizable configurations.
  • Additional TypeScript types have been exported, such as NotifierComponentProps (for base props in custom components), AnimationFunction, AnimationFunctionParams, Position, Offsets, ViewWithOffsetsComponent, Direction, DuplicateBehavior, and SwipeDirection.
  • New built-in components: Toast and SimpleToast.
  • All components receive a hide function and an animationFunctionParams object as props.


  • Alert component: Renamed alertType prop to type for consistency with other components. The alertType prop remains available but will be deprecated, so please migrate to type.
  • Notification component: Changed default borderRadius from 5 to 8 and "description" fontSize from 14 to 15.
  • Notification component: Introduced a type prop. When set to anything other than 'classic', an icon and left border will be displayed.
  • useRNScreensOverlay and rnScreensOverlayViewStyle accepted not only as props, but also as parameters of the showNotification method.

Bug Fixes

  • When you mount NotifierWrapper/NotifierRoot with omitGlobalMethodsHookup={true} and then switch it to false, global methods now hook up correctly.
  • Fixed a jump in the appearing animation when very large notifications appear.

Known Issues

  • When useRNScreensOverlay is true, SafeAreaView might not work correctly. Use ViewWithOffsets component that is coming though props into all Custom Components.