Compositions folder contains the Compositions and CompositeResourceDefinition(XRD) files to deploy the Composites for each AWS service.
Compositions and CompositeResourceDefinition(XRD) files split into dedicated folders for each AWS Provider.
The following steps demonstrate the example to deploy the composition to create VPC with AWS Provider
Deploys VPC Composition file and XRD definition file
kubectl apply -f compositions/aws-provider/vpc
You can also deploy all Compositions and XRD by running
kubectl -k compositions
Deploys VPC claim resource which uses the above composition.
kubectl apply -f examples/aws-provider/composite-resources/vpc/vpc.yaml
Each folder contains a Crossplane configuration package definition which bundles all compositions into a single OCI image.
This is how you build and push the crossplane-aws-blueprints configuration package:
cd aws-provider
export REPO=example-docker/crossplane-aws-blueprints
kubectl crossplane build configuration
kubectl crossplane push configuration $REPO:v0.0.1
And this is how you would install that package on to your control plane:
kubectl crossplane install configuration $REPO:v0.0.1
or apply a configuration declaration:
kind: Configuration
name: crossplane-aws-blueprints
package: example-docker/crossplane-aws-blueprints:v0.0.1