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Terraform Google Cloud with Rails 8 App and Kamal v2

This repository contains a Rails 8 app with Terraform files for deploying the app on Google Cloud. The app uses Kamal v2 for deployment.

Consulting Help Available

  • Would like assistance with using Kamal, Docker, Terraform, or Google Cloud?
  • Do you have concerns about the performance, security, and observability of your current deployments?
  • Are you interested in optimizing your deployment process to get Heroku features without the high costs?

If so, please email me or book a time.

Check out ShakaCode's Infrastructure Optimization Services.

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Kamal Basics

In order to use Kamal, you should try to understand what's going on from first principles.

Kamal is a CLI that uses configuration files to orchestrate commands for Docker deployment on remote machines.

Docs are nice. But lots are not in the docs. That's OK for 2 reasons:

  1. Kamal gives lots of output to the command line on what's running
  2. You have the source code, and you can ask AI for help.

Why use Rails 8 with Terraform, Google Cloud, and Kamal v2?

  1. Infrastructure as Code: Terraform allows you to define your infrastructure in code, making it easier to manage and scale. By using Terraform, you don't have to configure anything in the Google Cloud Console manually.
  2. Consistent Deployments: With Terraform, you can ensure that your infrastructure is consistent across all environments. This helps in reducing errors and ensuring that your app runs smoothly.
  3. Scripts to stand-up and tear-down the infrastructure: The Terraform files in this repository include scripts to create and destroy the infrastructure. This makes it easy to spin up a new environment for testing and tear it down when you're done. Don't pay for resources you're not using!
  4. Kamal v2: Kamal v2 is a lightweight deployment tool that makes it easy to deploy Rails apps to Google Cloud. It handles the deployment process for you, so you don't have to worry about setting up Kubernetes clusters or managing containers.
  5. Rails 8: Rails 8 is the latest version of the popular Ruby on Rails framework. It comes with many new features and improvements that make it easier to build web applications.
  6. Google Cloud: Google Cloud is a powerful cloud platform that offers a wide range of services for building and deploying applications. By using Google Cloud, you can take advantage of its scalability, reliability, and security features.


  1. Google Cloud SDK with a gcloud account.
  2. Terraform.
  3. Some domain name where you can add an A record to point to your server's IP address.
  4. Docker
  5. Ruby 3.3.4


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Create the Master Key: Run the following command to generate the development and test master.key and save it in the correct location:
echo "94cd5f24badf3102a4c6a09eb4a4a516" > config/master.key

Or just make a brand new one for development and test with rails credentials:edit. 3. Install the required gems:

bundle install
  1. Edit the terraform-gcloud/ file with your project details. You need to create a Google Cloud "project" for this demo.
  2. Edit the config/deploy.yml file:
    1. Set the domain name (currently set to
    2. Change the registry.username
    3. Change the ssh.user to your username.

See docs/ for more detailed setup instructions.

Rails 8 Defaults

This Rails 8 example app differs as little as possible from the default Rails 8 app. The main differences are:

  1. Terraform setup in the terraform-gcloud directory. Terraform is super nice because you can follow the example with minimal work to get your Rails app running on Google Cloud. For a non-tutorial application, you'd put the Terraform files in a separate git repo.
  2. The docker and Kamal setup has minimal changes.

Secrets and Credentials


  1. I originally created the example to work with 1Password. However, given that a GCP account is required, I decided to use the GCP Secret Manager.
  2. To demonstrate best practices for handling secrets, we will NOT use rails credentials for production secrets. Instead, we will use the Google Cloud Secret Manager. Rails credentials are great for non-production environments.

Google Cloud Secret Manager

  1. Open the Google Cloud Secret Manager.
  2. Ensure that you have the correct project selected.
  3. Click on "Create Secret" to add a new secret.
  4. Add the following 3 secrets:
    • KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: The password for the Docker registry.
    • DB_PASSWORD: The password for the database, as you like.
    • SECRET_KEY_BASE: Generate with rails secret.


Note that the deploy.yml already has:



The .kamal/secrets already has this code. Conveniently, you don't need to duplicate your GCP PROJECT_ID.

PROJECT_ID=$(cd ./terraform-gcloud && terraform output -raw project_id)
DB_PASSWORD=$(gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=DB_PASSWORD --project="$PROJECT_ID")
SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=SECRET_KEY_BASE --project="$PROJECT_ID")


Note that the deploy.yml file ensures that the DB_HOST and DB_PASSWORD are set in the environment. The DB_HOST is set to a seemingly magic value of


This is the value that Docker uses to refer to the host machine from within a Docker container. This is because the database is referenced as localhost on the host machine, not localhost in the Docker container. This way, we don't need an IP address for the database. The terraform script sets up the database to work like this by installing cloud_sql_proxy and running it.

The config/database.yml file already has the following code, which needs to correspond to the secrets and the setup of the databases in terraform-gcloud/

default: &default
   host: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_HOST", "localhost") %>
   password: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_PASSWORD", "password") %>
   primary: &primary_production
      <<: *default
      database: rails_kamal_demo_production
      username: rails_user
      <<: *primary_production
      database: rails_kamal_demo_production_cache
      migrations_paths: db/cache_migrate
      <<: *primary_production
      database: rails_kamal_demo_production_queue
      migrations_paths: db/queue_migrate
      <<: *primary_production
      database: rails_kamal_demo_production_cable
      migrations_paths: db/cable_migrate

Database Setup and Migrations

The database is automatically created and migrated when the Rails app is deployed. This is done via the bin/ script which calls rails db:prepare.

Note, the initial deployment will fail because the database schema needs to be created. This is expected. Just run bundle exec kamal deploy again after the initial setup.

Automated Deployment

Run bin/terraform-gcloud/bin/stand-up to create the infrastructure on Google Cloud and deploy the Rails app using Kamal v2.

This script has some useful features:

  1. It creates the infrastructure on Google Cloud using Terraform.
  2. It updates the deploy.yml config file to reflect the IP address of the server and makes a longer deployment timeout.
  3. You get a chance to add an A record to your domain name pointing to the IP address.
    db_primary_name = "rails_kamal_demo_production"
    db_user = "rails_user"
    instance_ip = ""
    project_id = "kamal-demo-444506"
    ✅ New IP acquired:
    === Updating Configuration ===
    Old timeout was set to 30 seconds
    ✅ Updated deploy.yml with new IP and timeout
    ✅ Timeout is now set to 120 seconds
    === Verifying DNS Configuration ===
    Edit DNS for ``: Update or add a DNS Type `A` record, Name: `gcp`, Value: ``
    Press return to check DNS (or Ctrl-C to exit):
    Checking DNS...
    ✅ DNS verification successful! →
  4. It deploys the Rails app using Kamal v2.
  5. Visit your domain name in the browser to see your Rails app running on Google Cloud!

Tear Down

When you're done, run bin/terraform-gcloud/bin/tear-down to destroy the infrastructure on Google Cloud (and save any costs!)

The tear-down script has some useful features:

  1. Ensures calling kamal app stop or else terraform cannot destroy the database.
  2. Call terraform destroy to destroy the infrastructure on Google Cloud.

Step by Step

To get a sense of the basics of Terraform and Kamal v2, follow these steps.

Terraform Setup

First, ensure that you can run terraform commands to create the infrastructure on Google Cloud.

  1. Install the Google Cloud SDK and Terraform.
  2. Run terraform commands from cd terraform-gcloud.
  3. Update the terraform-gcloud/ file with your project details as described above.
  4. Run terraform init in the terraform-gcloud directory to initialize the Terraform configuration.
  5. Run terraform plan to see the changes that Terraform will make to your infrastructure.
  6. Run terraform apply to create the infrastructure on Google Cloud. This takes about 10 minutes mainly due to provisioning the database. Note that the output will include the IP address of the server. You need this for 2 reasons:
    1. To add an A record to your domain name.
    2. To update the config/deploy.yml file with the IP address for your server.
  7. Run terraform destroy to tear down the infrastructure when you're done (after practicing the Kamal deployment)

Kamal v2 Deployment

Next, ensure that you can deploy the Rails app using Kamal v2.

  1. Run ./bin/kamal setup to set up the Kamal v2 configuration. Notice the error that the health checks failed. This is expected because the database needs to be created and migrated.
  2. Unless you change the deploy.yml file to have a longer deploy_timeout, you'll need to run ./bin/kamal deploy a second time, because the database needs to be created and migrated. The stand-up script does this for you.
  3. Visit your domain name in the browser to see your Rails app running on Google Cloud!


If you encounter any issues during the deployment process, here are some common troubleshooting steps.

Execution Flow

First, it's important to understand the execution context of when running commands.

  1. Your Local Machine (or CI Machine):
    • Runs commands like kamal deploy, which connects to the host machine via SSH.
  2. Host Machine:
    • Receives commands from Kamal and executes them, managing the Docker runtime environment.
    • Temporarily hosts deployment files (e.g., hook scripts) and runs them within Docker containers.
    • ssh user@host to get a shell on the host machine.
  3. Docker Machine (Containers):
    • The host machine runs Docker containers for the Rails app and the Kamal proxy.
    • The app runs here. Commands like bin/rails db:migrate execute inside these containers.
    • docker ps to see the running containers.
    • docker logs CONTAINER_ID to see the logs of a container.
    • docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash to get a shell in a container.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. First, read the console messages very carefully and look for the first error message. This is often the most important clue. If there's a health check timeout, it might be due to the failure to run migrations quickly enough, and then you simply need to run ./bin/kamal deploy again.
  2. Check the logs for the Rails app and the Kamal proxy to see if there are any error messages. You can do this with the command ./bin/kamal logs.
  3. If there is trouble with the database, then you won't get far because your default ENTRYPOINT bin/docker-entrypoint will fail. You need to first find the CONTAINER_ID of the failing container. You can do this by:
    1. ssh to the host machine, like ssh <username>@<ip_address>.
    2. Run docker ps and export a value for CONTAINER_ID. Then you can run docker logs $CONTAINER_ID to see the logs.
    3. You can run docker run -it --entrypoint bash $CONTAINER_ID to get a shell and then run bin/docker-entrypoint to see what's going on. This skips your default ENTRYPOINT.

Debugging Tips with AI Tools

Next, use AI tools to help you debug. A prompt like this is very helpful. Substitute your host IP address and the Rails container ID.

I'm using Kamal v2. Double check you are not giving me answers for Kamal v1

When you give me commands, tell me which execution context: Local machine, host machine, or docker container.

The remote host IP is

The rails app docker container id is f41ea810b98f

To get a good understanding of what's going on, you can run the following commands:

Walk me through the output, one command at a time for the following output of kamal v2.
Don't analyze everything. Go one command at a time.
Only analyze the "Running" lines, one at a time.


Unaddressed concerns

  1. Machine monitoring.
    • What happens when disk runs out of space?
    • What happens if memory maxes out?
    • What happens if CPU maxes out?
    • No Auto-Scaling
  2. Machine must have about twice as much memory as new app needs to run with old app during deployment. Why pay for all that extra memory when not needed?