This guide walks you through the installation of the latest version of Knative using pre-built images.
You can find guides for other platforms here.
Knative requires a Kubernetes cluster v1.10 or newer. kubectl
v1.10 is also
required. This guide walks you through creating a cluster with the correct
specifications for Knative on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
This guide assumes you are using bash in a Mac or Linux environment; some commands will need to be adjusted for use in a Windows environment.
- If you already have
azure cli
or later installed, you can skip to the next section and installkubectl
Install az
by following the instructions for your operating system.
See the full installation instructions if yours isn't listed below. You will need az cli version 2.0.37 or greater.
brew install azure-cli
- Add the azure-cli repo to your sources:
echo "deb [arch=amd64] wheezy main" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azure-cli.list
- Run the following commands to install the Azure CLI and its dependencies:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 52E16F86FEE04B979B07E28DB02C46DF417A0893 sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install azure-cli
- If you already have
, runkubectl version
to check your client version. If you havekubectl
v1.10 installed, you can skip to the next section and create an AKS cluster
az aks install-cli
Now that we have all the tools, we need a Kubernetes cluster to install Knative.
First let's identify your Azure subscription and save it for use later.
- Run
az login
and follow the instructions in the command output to authorizeaz
to use your account - List your Azure subscriptions:
az account list -o table
To simplify the command lines for this walkthrough, we need to define a few environment variables. First determine which region you'd like to run AKS in, along with the resource group you'd like to use.
variables:export LOCATION=eastus export RESOURCE_GROUP=knative-group export CLUSTER_NAME=knative-cluster
Create a resource group with the az cli using the following command if you are using a new resource group.
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION
Next we will create a managed Kubernetes cluster using AKS. To make sure the cluster is large enough to host all the Knative and Istio components, the recommended configuration for a cluster is:
- Kubernetes version 1.10 or later
- Three or more nodes
- Standard_DS3_v2 nodes
- RBAC enabled
- Enable AKS in your subscription, use the following command with the az cli:
az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService
You should also ensure that the Microsoft.Compute
and Microsoft.Network
providers are registered in your subscription. If you need to enable them:
bash az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute az provider register -n Microsoft.Network
Create the AKS cluster!
az aks create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $CLUSTER_NAME \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --kubernetes-version 1.10.5 \ --enable-rbac \ --node-vm-size Standard_DS3_v2
Configure kubectl to use the new cluster.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CLUSTER_NAME --admin
Verify your cluster is up and running
kubectl get nodes
Knative depends on Istio.
Install Istio:
kubectl apply -f
Label the default namespace with
:kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
Monitor the Istio components until all of the components show a
:kubectl get pods -n istio-system
It will take a few minutes for all the components to be up and running; you can rerun the command to see the current status.
Note: Instead of rerunning the command, you can add
to the above command to view the component's status updates in real time. Use CTRL + C to exit watch mode.
You can install the Knative Serving and Build components together, or Build on its own.
- Run the
kubectl apply
command to install Knative and its dependencies:kubectl apply -f
- Monitor the Knative components until all of the components show a
:kubectl get pods -n knative-serving kubectl get pods -n knative-build
- Run the
kubectl apply
command to install Knative Build and its dependencies:kubectl apply -f
- Monitor the Knative Build components until all of the components show a
:kubectl get pods -n knative-build
Just as with the Istio components, it will take a few seconds for the Knative
components to be up and running; you can rerun the kubectl get
command to see
the current status.
Note: Instead of rerunning the command, you can add
to the above command to view the component's status updates in real time. Use CTRL + C to exit watch mode.
You are now ready to deploy an app or create a build in your new Knative cluster.
Now that your cluster has Knative installed, you're ready to deploy an app.
You have two options for deploying your first app:
You can follow the step-by-step Getting Started with Knative App Deployment guide.
You can view the available sample apps and deploy one of your choosing.
Running a cluster costs money, so you might want to delete the cluster when you're done if you're not using it. Deleting the cluster will also remove Knative, Istio, and any apps you've deployed.
To delete the cluster, enter the following command:
az aks delete --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CLUSTER_NAME --yes --no-wait