Releases: spatie/laravel-permission
Releases Β· spatie/laravel-permission
What's Changed
- Roles: Support for casting role names to enums by @gajosadrian in #2616
- Fix permission:show UUID error #2581 by @drbyte in #2582
- Cover WildcardPermission instance verification based on its own guard (Allow hasAllPermissions and hasAnyPermission to run on custom guard for WildcardPermission) by @AlexandreBellas in #2608
- Register Laravel "About" details by @drbyte in #2584
New Contributors
- @gajosadrian made their first contribution in #2616
- @AlexandreBellas made their first contribution in #2608
Full Changelog: 6.5.0...6.6.0
What's Changed
- Octane: Fix wrong event listener by @erikn69 in #2656
- Teams: Add nullable team_id typehint by @Androlax2 in #2607
- Blade: simplify the definition of multiple Blade "if" directives by @alissn in #2628
- DocBlocks: Update HasPermissions::collectPermissions() docblock by @Plytas in #2641
- Update by @killjin in #2631
- Bump ramsey/composer-install from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #2630
- Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #2642
New Contributors
- @alissn made their first contribution in #2628
- @Androlax2 made their first contribution in #2607
- @Plytas made their first contribution in #2641
- @killjin made their first contribution in #2631
Full Changelog: 6.4.0...6.5.0
- Laravel 11 Support
What's Changed
- Add Laravel 11 to workflow run tests by @mraheelkhan in #2605
- And Passport 12
- Update to use Larastan Org by @arnebr in #2585
- laravel-pint-action to major version tag by @erikn69 in #2586
New Contributors
- @arnebr made their first contribution in #2585
- @mraheelkhan made their first contribution in #2605
Full Changelog: 6.3.0...6.4.0
What's Changed
- Reset teamId on octane by @erikn69 in #2547
NOTE: The\Spatie\Permission\Listeners\OctaneReloadPermissions
listener introduced in 6.0.0 is removed in 6.1.0, because the logic is directly incorporated into the ServiceProvider now.
Thanks @jameshulse for the heads-up and code-review.
Full Changelog: 6.0.1...6.1.0
What's Changed
- Provide a default team_foreign_key value in case config file isn't upgraded yet or teams feature is unused. Fixes #2535
- [Docs] Update unsetRelation() example in by @shdehnavi in #2534
- [Docs] Update link in by @sevannerse in #2539
New Contributors
- @sevannerse made their first contribution in #2539
Full Changelog: 6.0.0...6.0.1
file for important upgrade instructions.
What's Changed
- Full uuid/guid/ulid support by @erikn69 in #2089
- Refactor: Change static properties to non-static by @olivernybroe in #2324
- Fix Role::withCount if belongsToMany declared by @xenaio-daniil in #2280
- Fix: Lazily bind dependencies by @olivernybroe in #2321
- Avoid loss of all permissions/roles pivots on sync error by @erikn69 in #2341
- Fix delete permissions on Permissions Model by @erikn69 in #2366
- Detach users on role/permission physical deletion by @erikn69 in #2370
- Rename clearClassPermissions method to clearPermissionsCollection by @erikn69 in #2369
- Use anonymous migrations (for L8+) by @erikn69 in #2374
- [BC] Return string on getPermissionClass(), getRoleClass() by @erikn69 in #2368
- Only offer publishing when running in console by @erikn69 in #2377
- Don't add commands in web interface context by @angeljqv in #2405
- [BC] Fix Role->hasPermissionTo() signature to match HasPermissions trait by @erikn69 in #2380
- Force that getPermissionsViaRoles, hasPermissionViaRole must be used only by authenticable by @erikn69 in #2382
- fix BadMethodCallException: undefined methods hasAnyRole, hasAnyPermissions by @erikn69 in #2381
- Add PHPStan workflow with fixes by @erikn69 in #2376
- Add BackedEnum support by @drbyte in #2391
- Drop PHP 7.3 support by @angeljqv in #2388
- Drop PHP 7.4 support by @drbyte in #2485
- Test against PHP 8.3 by @erikn69 in #2512
- Fix call to an undefined method Role::getRoleClass by @erikn69 in #2411
- Remove force loading model relationships by @erikn69 in #2412
- Test alternate cache drivers by @erikn69 in #2416
- Use attach instead of sync on traits by @erikn69 in #2420
- Fewer sqls in syncRoles, syncPermissions by @erikn69 in #2423
- Add middleware using static method by @jnoordsij in #2424
- Update PHPDocs for IDE autocompletion by @erikn69 in #2437
- [BC] Wildcard permissions algorithm performance improvements (ALERT: Breaking Changes) by @danharrin in #2445
- Add withoutRole and withoutPermission scopes by @drbyte in #2463
- Add support for service-to-service Passport client by @SuperDJ in #2467
- Register OctaneReloadPermissions listener for Laravel Octane by @erikn69 in #2403
- Add guard name to exceptions by @drbyte in #2481
- Update contracts to allow for UUID by @drbyte in #2480
- Avoid triggering eloquent.retrieved event by @erikn69 in #2498
- [BC] Rename "Middlewares" namespace to "Middleware" by @drbyte in #2499
directive by @axlwild in #2515- Add guard parameter to can() by @drbyte in #2526
New Contributors
- @xenaio-daniil made their first contribution in #2280
- @JensvandeWiel made their first contribution in #2336
- @fsamapoor made their first contribution in #2361
- @yungifez made their first contribution in #2394
- @HasanEksi made their first contribution in #2418
- @jnoordsij made their first contribution in #2424
- @danharrin made their first contribution in #2445
- @SuperDJ made their first contribution in #2467
- @ChillMouse made their first contribution in #2438
- @Okipa made their first contribution in #2492
- @edalzell made their first contribution in #2494
- @sirosfakhri made their first contribution in #2501
- @juliangums made their first contribution in #2516
- @nnnnnnnngu made their first contribution in #2524
- @axlwild made their first contribution in #2515
- @shdehnavi made their first contribution in #2527
Full Changelog: 5.11.1...6.0.0
No functional changes. Just several small updates to the Documentation.
Full Changelog: 5.11.0...5.11.1