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Copy pathsecurity_services_lookup.csv
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1 | service | description | category |
2 | *mpssvc* | Windows Firewall Service | security |
3 | *wscsvc* | Windows Security Center Service | security |
4 | *sysmon* | Sysmon Driver | security |
5 | *csc_iseagent* | Cisco Secure Client - ISE Posture Agent | security |
6 | *csc_nvmagent* | Cisco Secure Client - Network Visibility Agent | security |
7 | *csc_umbrellaagent* | Cisco Secure Client - Umbrella Agent | security |
8 | *csc_swgagent* | Cisco Secure Client - Umbrella SWG Agent | security |
9 | *CiscoAMP* | Cisco Secure Endpoint | security |
10 | *CiscoOrbital* | Cisco AMP Orbital | security |
11 | *CiscoSCMS* | Cisco Security Connector Monitoring | security |
12 | *avast! Antivirus* | Avast | security |
13 | *aswBcc* | Avast | security |
14 | *Avast Business Console Client Antivirus Service* | Avast | security |
15 | *epag* | Bitdefender Endpoint Agent | security |
16 | *CylanceSvc* | Cylance | security |
17 | *CynetLauncher* | Cynet Launcher Service | security |
18 | *xagt* | FireEye Endpoint Agent | security |
19 | *fgprocsvc* | ForeScout Remote Inspection Service | security |
20 | *SecureConnector* | ForeScout SecureConnector Service | security |
21 | *fsdevcon* | F-Secure | security |
22 | *FSDFWD* | F-Secure | security |
23 | *F-Secure Network Request Broker* | F-Secure | security |
24 | *FSMA* | F-Secure | security |
25 | *FSORSPClient* | F-Secure | security |
26 | *klif* | Kasperksky | security |
27 | *klim* | Kasperksky | security |
28 | *kltdi* | Kasperksky | security |
29 | *enterceptagent* | MacAfee | security |
30 | *McAfeeFramework* | MacAfee Agent Backwards Compatiblity Service | security |
31 | *McAfeeEngineService* | MacAfee | security |
32 | *mfevtp* | MacAfee Validation Trust Protection Service | security |
33 | *cyverak* | PaloAlto Traps KernelDriver | security |
34 | *cyvrmtgn* | PaloAlto Traps KernelDriver | security |
35 | *cyvrfsfd* | PaloAlto Traps FileSystemDriver | security |
36 | *CyveraService* | PaloAlto Traps | security |
37 | *tlaservice* | PaloAlto Traps Local Analysis Service | security |
38 | *twdservice* | PaloAlto Traps Watchdog Service | security |
39 | *SentinelHelperService* | SentinelOne | security |
40 | *sophosssp* | Sophos | security |
41 | *Sophos Agent* | Sophos | security |
42 | *Sophos AutoUpdate Service* | Sophos | security |
43 | *Sophos Clean Service* | Sophos | security |
44 | *Sophos Device Control Service* | Sophos | security |
45 | *Sophos Message Router* | Sophos | security |
46 | *Sophos Safestore Service* | Sophos | security |
47 | *Sophos Web Control Service* | Sophos | security |
48 | *sophossps* | Sophos | security |
49 | *Symantec System Recovery* | Symantec System Recovery | security |
50 | *Smcinst* | Symantec Connect | security |
51 | *SmcService* | Symantec Connect | security |
52 | *AMSP* | Trend | security |
53 | *tmcomm* | Trend | security |
54 | *tmactmon* | Trend | security |
55 | *tmevtmgr* | Trend | security |
56 | *ntrtscan* | Trend Micro Worry Free Business | security |
57 | *WRSVC* | Webroot | security |
58 | *AcronisActiveProtectionService* | Acronis Active Protection Service | security |
59 | *bdredline_agent* | Bitdefender Agent RedLine Service | security |
60 | *BDAuxSrv* | Bitdefender Auxiliary Service | security |
61 | *UPDATESRV* | Bitdefender Desktop Update Service | security |
62 | *VSSERV* | Bitdefender Virus Shield | security |
63 | *bdredline* | Bitdefender RedLine Service | security |
64 | *EPRedline* | Bitdefender Endpoint Redline Service | security |
65 | *EPUpdateService* | Bitdefender Endpoint Update Service | security |
66 | *EPSecurityService* | Bitdefender Endpoint Security Service | security |
67 | *EPProtectedService* | Bitdefender Endpoint Protected Service | security |
68 | *EPIntegrationService* | Bitdefender Endpoint Integration Service | security |
69 | *Parity* | Carbon Black App Control Agent | security |
70 | *CSFalconService* | CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor Service | security |
71 | *xdrhealth* | Cortex XDR Health Helper | security |
72 | *cyserver* | Cortex XDR | security |
73 | *CybereasonActiveProbe* | Cybereason Active Probe | security |
74 | *CybereasonCRS* | Cybereason Anti-Ransomware | security |
75 | *CybereasonBlocki* | Cybereason Execution Prevention | security |
76 | *ekm* | ESET | security |
77 | *epfw* | ESET | security |
78 | *epfwlwf* | ESET | security |
79 | *epfwwfp* | ESET | security |
80 | *EraAgentSvc* | ESET Management Agent service | security |
81 | *ERAAgent* | ESET Management Agent service | security |
82 | *efwd* | ESET Communication Forwarding Service | security |
83 | *ehttpsrv* | ESET HTTP Server | security |
84 | *AVKWCtl* | Anti-virus Kit Window Control | security |
85 | *AVKProxy* | G Data AntiVirus Proxy Service | security |
86 | *GDScan* | GDSG Data AntiVirus Scan Service | security |
87 | *kavfsslp* | Kaspersky Security Exploit Prevention Service | security |
88 | *KAVFS* | Kaspersky Security Service | security |
89 | *KAVFSGT* | Kaspersky Security Management Service | security |
90 | *klnagent* | Kaspersky Security Center | security |
91 | *PandaAetherAgent* | Panda Endpoint Agent | security |
92 | *PSUAService* | Panda Product Service | security |
93 | *NanoServiceMain* | Panda Cloud Antivirus Service | security |
94 | *SentinelAgent* | SentinelOne Endpoint Protection Agent | security |
95 | *SentinelStaticEngine* | Manage static engines for SentinelOne Endpoint Protection | security |
96 | *LogProcessorService* | Manage logs for SentinelOne Endpoint Protection | security |
97 | *SepMasterService* | Symantec Endpoint Protection | security |
98 | *SepScanService* | Symantec Endpoint Protection Scan Services | security |
99 | *SNAC* | Symantec Network Access Control | security |
100 | *SntpService* | Sophos Network Threat Protection | security |
101 | *Sophos Endpoint Defense Service* | Sophos Endpoint Defense Service | security |
102 | *Sophos File Scanner Service* | Sophos File Scanner Service | security |
103 | *Sophos Health Service* | Sophos Health Service | security |
104 | *Sophos Live Query* | Sophos Live Query | security |
105 | *Sophos Managed Threat Response* | Sophos Managed Threat Response | security |
106 | *Sophos MCS Agent* | Sophos MCS Agent | security |
107 | *Sophos MCS Client* | Sophos MCS Client | security |
108 | *Sophos System Protection Service* | Sophos System Protection Service | security |
109 | *McAfee Endpoint Security Platform Service* | Trellix Core Service | security |
110 | *mfemactl* | Trellix Management Service | security |
111 | *mfemms* | McAfee Management Service | security |
112 | *mfefire* | Trellix Firewall Core Service | security |
113 | *masvc* | Trellix Agent Service | security |
114 | *macmnsvc* | Trellix Agent Common Service | security |
115 | *mfetp* | Trellix Endpoint Threat Prevention Service | security |
116 | *mfewc* | Trellix Endpoint Security Web Control Service* | security |
117 | *mfeaack* | Trellix Anti-Malware Core Service | security |
118 | *Trend Micro Endpoint Basecamp* | Trend Micro Endpoint Basecamp | security |
119 | *TMBMServer* | Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service | security |
120 | *Trend Micro Web Service Communicator* | Trend Micro Web Service Communicator | security |
121 | *TMiACAgentSvc* | Trend Micro Application Control Service (Agent) | security |
122 | *CETASvc* | Trend Micro Cloud Endpoint Telemetry Service | security |
123 | *iVPAgent* | Trend Micro Vulnerability Protection Service (Agent) | security |
124 | *WinDefend* | Windows Defender Antivirus Service | security |
125 | *Sense* | Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service | security |
126 | *WdNisSvc* | Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service | security |