This is example of spring boot microservice example with Eureka Server + Eureka Client + Zuul routing + MySQL database + Angular 2
> git clone
> cd spring-boot-microservices-crud-mysql-angular5-example
Go to application.yml and change database configurations.
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-eureka-server\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-zuul-routing\pom.xml
START "" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-server/target/eureka-server.jar
START "" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service/target/account-service.jar --server.port=8181
START "" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service/target/account-service.jar --server.port=8182
START "" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service/target/account-service.jar --server.port=8183
START "" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-zuul-routing/target/zuul-router.jar --server.port=8080
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-eureka-server\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-zuul-routing\pom.xml
java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-server/target/eureka-server.jar &
java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service/target/account-service.jar --server.port=8181 &
java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service/target/account-service.jar --server.port=8182 &
java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-account-service/target/account-service.jar --server.port=8183 &
java -jar spring-boot-cloud-zuul-routing/target/zuul-router.jar --server.port=8080 &
Eureka server is running 8761 port, Now let's open it. Where we can check that 3 instance of account-server is running.
Eureka server : http://localhost:8761/
Account service is one of our business service, we can create many other services as per our needs. Here we have started 3 instance of account service that we can increase as per our need.
cd Angular-2-UI
npm install
ng serve
Once UI Server has been start, Visit and perform CRUD Operations: