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Wrapper for the root module

The configuration in this directory contains an implementation of a single module wrapper pattern, which allows managing several copies of a module in places where using the native Terraform 0.13+ for_each feature is not feasible (e.g., with Terragrunt).

You may want to use a single Terragrunt configuration file to manage multiple resources without duplicating terragrunt.hcl files for each copy of the same module.

This wrapper does not implement any extra functionality.

Usage with Terragrunt


terraform {
  source = "tfr:///terraform-aws-modules/cloudfront/aws//wrappers"
  # Alternative source:
  # source = ""

inputs = {
  defaults = { # Default values
    create = true
    tags = {
      Terraform   = "true"
      Environment = "dev"

  items = {
    my-item = {
      # omitted... can be any argument supported by the module
    my-second-item = {
      # omitted... can be any argument supported by the module
    # omitted...

Usage with Terraform

module "wrapper" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/cloudfront/aws//wrappers"

  defaults = { # Default values
    create = true
    tags = {
      Terraform   = "true"
      Environment = "dev"

  items = {
    my-item = {
      # omitted... can be any argument supported by the module
    my-second-item = {
      # omitted... can be any argument supported by the module
    # omitted...

Example: Manage multiple S3 buckets in one Terragrunt layer


terraform {
  source = "tfr:///terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws//wrappers"
  # Alternative source:
  # source = ""

inputs = {
  defaults = {
    force_destroy = true

    attach_elb_log_delivery_policy        = true
    attach_lb_log_delivery_policy         = true
    attach_deny_insecure_transport_policy = true
    attach_require_latest_tls_policy      = true

  items = {
    bucket1 = {
      bucket = "my-random-bucket-1"
    bucket2 = {
      bucket = "my-random-bucket-2"
      tags = {
        Secure = "probably"