File tree
4,511 files changed
lines changed- Client
- WebServer
- Images
- css
- Docker
- Launch-Scripts
- Projects
- Education
- Icons
- Schemas
- App-Schema
- Docs-Nodes/T/Tutorial
- Tutorial
- Tutorial-Step
- Tutorial-Topic
- TS/Utilities
- UI
- Function-Libraries
- Globals
- Spaces
- Docs-Space
- Tutorial-Space
- Utilities
- Ethereum
- Schemas/App-Schema
- UI
- Function-Libraries
- Spaces
- Blockchain-Space
- Wallet-Space
- Foundations
- Bots-Plotters-Code
- Bollinger/plotters/Plotters-Bollinger-Bands
- Candles/plotters/Plotters-Candles-Volumes
- Masters/plotters/Plotters-Candles-Volumes
- GIFs
- Docs
- design-space
- how-to
- indicators
- launch-scripts
- Tutorials
- Icons
- Announcement
- Api
- Arrow
- Bullet
- Charting-Space
- Close
- Crypto-Assets
- Crypto-Exchanges
- Data
- Docs
- Exchange
- Key
- Languages
- Layer
- Learning
- Limit-Order
- Market
- Mouse
- Nodes
- Open
- Order
- Plugins
- Polygon
- Position
- Project
- Record
- Set
- Strategy
- Target
- Text
- Time
- Toggle
- Trading
- Tree
- Tutorial
- User
- Icons-SVG-Sources
- assets
- color-palette
- exchanges
- flags
- layers
- mouse
- nodes
- various
- PNGs/Docs
- Charts
- debugging-your-indicator
- how-to
- icons
- indicators
- third-parties
- trading-systems
- troubleshooting
- Plugins
- API-Maps
- Data-Mines
- Learning-Engines
- Learning-Mines
- Learning-Systems
- Trading-Engines
- Trading-Mines
- Trading-Systems
- Workspaces
- Schemas
- App-Schema
- Api
- Docs-Books
- Docs-Concepts
- A
- API/API-Server
- Action/Action
- App/App-Schema
- B/Backup/Backup-Entity
- C
- Client/Client
- Clone/Clone-Entity
- Collapse/Collapse-Structure-of-Nodes
- Community/Community
- D
- Dataset
- Dataset
- Dataset-Type
- Default
- Default-Exchange
- Default-Market
- Delete/Delete-Entity
- Delink/Delink-Node
- Detach/Detach-Node
- E/Expand/Expand-Structure-of-Nodes
- F
- Freeze/Freeze-Structure-of-Nodes
- Function/Function-Library
- I/Inter/Inter-Execution-Memory
- L
- LF
- LF
- LF-Trading-Bot
- List/List-of-Plugin-Workspaces-and-Tutorials
- M
- Main/Main-Loop
- Menu/Menu-Item
- Multi-Time-Frame/Multi-Time-Frame
- Multi-Time-Frame-Daily/Multi-Time-Frame-Daily
- Multi-Time-Frame-Market/Multi-Time-Frame-Market
- N/Node/Node-JS-Javsacript
- O/One-Min-Daily/One-Min-Daily
- P
- Pinned/Pinned-Node
- Plugin/Plugin-Workspace
- Project
- Project
- Project-Schema-File
- R
- Raw/Raw-Data
- References/References
- Remove
- Remove-Angle-to-Parent-Node
- Remove-Distance-to-Parent-Node
- Reusable/Reusable-Snippets
- replaceBy/replaceBy-Config-Property
- S
- Set
- Set-Angle-to-Parent-Node-to-180-Degrees
- Set-Angle-to-Parent-Node-to-360-Degrees
- Set-Angle-to-Parent-Node-to-45-Degrees
- Set-Angle-to-Parent-Node-to-90-Degrees
- Set-Distance-to-Parent-Node-to-One
- Set-Distance-to-Parent-Node-to-One-Fourth
- Set-Distance-to-Parent-Node-to-One-Half
- Set-Distance-to-Parent-Node-to-One-and-a-Half
- Set-Distance-to-Parent-Node-to-Two
- Set-Node-Arrangement-to-Concave
- Set-Node-Arrangement-to-Convex
- Set-Node-Arrangement-to-Horizontal-Bottom
- Set-Node-Arrangement-to-Horizontal-Top
- Set-Node-Arrangement-to-Vertical-Left
- Set-Node-Arrangement-to-Vertical-Right
- Single-File/Single-File
- Superalgos
- Superalgos-Marketplace
- Superalgos-Network
- Superalgos-SA-Token
- T
- Task/Task-Server
- Trading/Trading-Session
- U
- UI
- UI
- UI-Global-Object
- Unfreeze/Unfreeze-Structure-of-Nodes
- Unpinned/Unpinned-Node
- User/User-Workspace
- Docs-Nodes
- A
- API-Data-Fetcher-Bot
- API-Data-Fetcher-Bot-Instance
- API-Data-Fetcher-Process-Instance
- API-Endpoint
- API-Map
- API-Map-Reference
- API-Path-Parameter
- API-Path-Parameters
- API-Query-Parameter
- API-Query-Parameters
- API-Query-Response
- API-Query-Responses
- API-Response-Field
- API-Response-Field-Reference
- API-Response-Schema
- API-Version
- Actual
- Actual-Rate
- Actual-Size
- Algorithm/Algorithm-Name
- Amount/Amount-Received
- Announcement
- Announcement
- Announcement-Condition
- Announcement-Formula
- Annualized/Annualized-Rate-Of-Return
- Asset/Asset
- B
- Back/Back-Learning-Session
- Backtesting/Backtesting-Session
- Balance/Balance
- Begin
- Begin
- Begin-Balance
- Begin-Rate
- Bot
- Bot-Data-Dependencies
- Bot-Layers
- Bot-Products
- C
- Calculations/Calculations-Procedure
- Cancel
- Cancel-Order
- Cancel-Order-Event
- Candle/Candle
- Chart/Chart-Points
- Charting/Charting-Space
- Close
- Close
- Close-Execution
- Close-Order
- Close-Position
- Close-Stage
- Close-Stage-Event
- Condition/Condition
- Create
- Create-Order
- Create-Order-Event
- Crypto
- Crypto-Ecosystem
- Crypto-Exchange
- Crypto-Exchanges
- Cycle/Cycle
- D
- Dashboard/Dashboard
- Data
- Data-Building-Procedure
- Data-Dependency
- Data-Dependency-Folder
- Data-Formula
- Data-Mine
- Data-Mine-Data-Dependencies
- Data-Mine-Products
- Data-Mine-Tasks
- Data-Mines-Data
- Data-Product
- Data-Product-Folder
- Data-Tasks
- Dataset/Dataset-Definition
- Days/Days
- Design/Design-Space
- Discord/Discord-Bot
- Distance/Distance-To-Trading-Event
- Dynamic/Dynamic-Indicators
- E
- End
- End
- End-Balance
- End-Rate
- Entry
- Entry-Target-Rate
- Entry-Target-Size
- Episode
- Episode-Base-Asset
- Episode-Quoted-Asset
- Exchange
- Exchange-Account-Asset
- Exchange-Account-Key
- Exchange-Accounts
- Exchange-Assets
- Exchange-Data-Products
- Exchange-Data-Tasks
- Exchange-Id
- Exchange-Learning-Products
- Exchange-Learning-Tasks
- Exchange-Markets
- Exchange-Orders
- Exchange-Trading-Products
- Exchange-Trading-Tasks
- Execution
- Execution-Algorithm
- Execution-Finished-Event
- Execution-Started-Event
- Exit
- Exit-Target-Rate
- Exit-Target-Size
- Exit-Type
- F
- Fails/Fails
- Fee/Fee-Structure
- Fees
- Fees-Paid
- Fees-To-Be-Paid
- Final/Final-Value
- Formula/Formula
- Forward/Forward-Testing-Session
- G/Github/Github-API
- H
- Head/Head-Of-The-Market
- Heartbeats/Heartbeats
- Hit
- Hit-Fail
- Hit-Ratio
- Hits/Hits
- I
- Identifier/Identifier
- Image
- Image
- Image-Condition
- Image-Position
- Index/Index
- Indicator
- Indicator-Bot
- Indicator-Bot-Instance
- Indicator-Function
- Indicator-Process-Instance
- Initial
- Initial-Targets
- Initial-Value
- J/Javascript/Javascript-Code
- K/Key/Key-Reference
- L
- Labels/Labels
- Last
- Last-Begin
- Last-End
- Layer
- Layer
- Layer-Folder
- Layer-Manager
- Layer-Panel
- Layer-Panels
- Layer-Polygon
- Layer-Polygons
- Learning
- Learning-Algorithm
- Learning-Bot
- Learning-Bot-Instance
- Learning-Mine
- Learning-Mine-Products
- Learning-Mine-Tasks
- Learning-Mines-Data
- Learning-Parameters
- Learning-Process-Instance
- Learning-Session-Reference
- Learning-System
- Learning-Tasks
- Limit
- Limit-Buy-Order
- Limit-Buy-Orders
- Limit-Order
- Limit-Sell-Order
- Limit-Sell-Orders
- Live
- Live-Learning-Session
- Live-Trading-Session
- Lock/Lock
- M
- Manage/Manage-Stage
- Managed
- Managed-Stop-Loss
- Managed-Take-Profit
- Market
- Market
- Market-Base-Asset
- Market-Buy-Order
- Market-Buy-Orders
- Market-Data-Products
- Market-Data-Tasks
- Market-Learning-Products
- Market-Learning-Tasks
- Market-Order
- Market-Quoted-Asset
- Market-Sell-Order
- Market-Sell-Orders
- Market-Trading-Products
- Market-Trading-Tasks
- Master/Master-Script
- Max/Max
- Min/Min
- Mines/Mines
- Move
- Move-To-Phase
- Move-To-Phase-Event
- N
- Network
- Network
- Network-Node
- Next
- Next-Phase
- Next-Phase-Event
- Nodes
- Nodes-Announcements
- Nodes-Errors
- Nodes-Highlights
- Nodes-Infos
- Nodes-Progress
- Nodes-Running
- Nodes-Status
- Nodes-Values
- Nodes-Warnings
- O
- Open
- Open
- Open-Execution
- Open-Stage
- Order
- Order-Base-Asset
- Order-Counters
- Order-Name
- Order-Quoted-Asset
- Order-Rate
- Order-Statistics
- Orders/Orders
- Other/Other-Hierarchies
- Output
- Output-Dataset
- Output-Dataset-Folder
- P
- Panel/Panel-Data
- Paper/Paper-Trading-Session
- Percentage/Percentage-Filled
- Periods/Periods
- Phase/Phase
- Plotter
- Plotter
- Plotter-Module
- Plotter-Panel
- Plugin
- Plugin-API-Maps
- Plugin-Data-Mines
- Plugin-File
- Plugin-File-Position
- Plugin-Project
- Plugin-Super-Scripts
- Plugin-Trading-Engines
- Plugin-Trading-Mines
- Plugin-Trading-Systems
- Plugin-Tutorials
- Plugins/Plugins
- Point
- Point
- Point-Formula
- Polygon
- Polygon
- Polygon-Body
- Polygon-Border
- Polygon-Condition
- Polygon-Vertex
- Position
- Position
- Position-Base-Asset
- Position-Counters
- Position-Quoted-Asset
- Position-Statistics
- Positions/Positions
- Procedure
- Procedure-Initialization
- Procedure-Javascript-Code
- Procedure-Loop
- Process
- Process-Date
- Process-Definition
- Process-Dependencies
- Process-Output
- Product
- Product-Definition
- Product-Definition-Folder
- Production/Production-Trading-Tasks
- Profit/Profit-Loss
- Project
- Project-Dashboards
- Project-Data-Products
- Project-Data-Tasks
- Project-Definition
- Project-Learning-Products
- Project-Learning-Tasks
- Project-Trading-Products
- Project-Trading-Tasks
- R
- Rate
- Rate
- Rate-Scale
- Record
- Record-Definition
- Record-Formula
- Record-Property
- Record-Values
- S
- Scripts/Scripts-Library
- Sensor
- Sensor-Bot
- Sensor-Bot-Instance
- Sensor-Process-Instance
- Serial/Serial-Number
- Session
- Session-Base-Asset
- Session-Quoted-Asset
- Shapes/Shapes
- Signals
- Signals-Provider
- Signals-Providers
- Simulated
- Simulated-Actual-Rate
- Simulated-Exchange-Events
- Simulated-Fees-Paid
- Simulated-Partial-Fill
- Situation
- Situation
- Situation-Name
- Size
- Size
- Size-Filled
- Size-Placed
- Slippage/Slippage
- Snapshots/Snapshots
- Social
- Social-Bot-Command
- Social-Bots
- Space
- Space-Settings
- Space-Style
- Spaces/Spaces
- Stage
- Stage-Base-Asset
- Stage-Defined-In
- Stage-Quoted-Asset
- Status
- Status
- Status-Dependency
- Status-Report
- Stop
- Stop-Loss
- Stop-Loss-Phase
- Stop-Loss-Position
- Strategies/Strategies
- Strategy
- Strategy
- Strategy-Close-Stage
- Strategy-Counters
- Strategy-Manage-Stage
- Strategy-Name
- Strategy-Open-Stage
- Strategy-Trigger-Stage
- Style
- Style
- Style-Condition
- Super
- Super-Action
- Super-Actions
- Super-Scripts
- Superalgos/Superalgos-Project
- T
- Take
- Take-Position
- Take-Position-Event
- Take-Profit
- Take-Profit-Phase
- Take-Profit-Position
- Target
- Target-Rate
- Target-Size
- Target-Size-In-Base-Asset
- Target-Size-In-Quoted-Asset
- Task
- Task
- Task-Manager
- Telegram/Telegram-Bot
- Template
- Template-Script
- Template-Structure
- Template-Target
- Testing/Testing-Trading-Tasks
- Text
- Text
- Text-Condition
- Text-Formula
- Text-Position
- Text-Style
- Time
- Time-Frame
- Time-Frame-Scale
- Time-Frames-Filter
- Time-Machine
- Time-Range
- Time-Scale
- Timeline/Timeline-Chart
- Trading
- Trading-Bot
- Trading-Bot-Instance
- Trading-Current
- Trading-Engine
- Trading-Engine-Reference
- Trading-Episode
- Trading-Episode-Counters
- Trading-Episode-Statistics
- Trading-Last
- Trading-Mine
- Trading-Mine-Products
- Trading-Mine-Tasks
- Trading-Mines-Data
- Trading-Parameters
- Trading-Process-Instance
- Trading-Session-Reference
- Trading-Strategy
- Trading-System
- Trading-System-Reference
- Trigger
- Trigger-Off
- Trigger-Off-Event
- Trigger-On
- Trigger-On-Event
- Trigger-Stage
- U/User
- User-Account
- User-Assets
- User-Defined-Code
- User-Defined-Counter
- User-Defined-Parameters
- User-Defined-Statistic
- User-Defined-Variable
- User-Defined-Variables
- User-Keys
- V/Viewport/Viewport
- W/Workspace/Workspace
- Docs-Reviews/S/Superalgos/Superalgos-Project-Review
- Docs-Topics
- A
- Alpha/Alpha-Data-Mine
- App
- App-Commands
- App-Commands-Errors
- App-Commands-Messages
- B
- Bollinger/Bollinger-Data-Mine
- Branches/Branches-Management-Messages
- Buddha/Buddha-Data-Mine
- C
- Candles/Candles-Data-Mine
- Charting/Charting-Space
- CoinGecko/CoinGecko-API-Map-and-Mine
- Community
- Community-Trading-Systems
- Community-Workspaces
- Contributing/Contributing-to-Superalgos
- Crypto/Crypto-Ecosystem
- D
- Data/Data-Mining
- Debugging/Debugging-Your-Indicator
- Design/Design-Space
- Docs
- Docs-Basics
- Docs-Commands
- Docs-Commands-Errors
- Docs-Commands-Messages
- Docs-Context-Menu-Actions
- Docs-Languages
- Docs-Paragraph-Styles
- E
- Error/Error-Causes
- Exchange/Exchange-Listing-Requirements-Research
- F
- Feedback/Feedback-Loop
- Frequently/Frequently-Asked-Questions
- H/How
- How-To
- How-To-Debug-Exchange-Raw-Data-Sensor-Bot
- How-to-Automate-Actions-at-The-Design-Space
- I
- Integrations/Integrations
- Introduction/Introduction
- L
- LF/LF-Trading-Bot-Available-Data-Structures
- Launch/Launch-Scripts
- Low-Frequency/Low-Frequency-Trading-Bot
- M
- Masters/Masters-Data-Mine
- Messari/Messari-API-Map-and-Mine
- N
- Network/Network
- Nodes/Nodes
- O
- Omega/Omega-One-Data-Mine
- Order/Order-Management
- P
- Pluvtech/Pluvtech-Data-Mine
- Productivity/Productivity-Tools
- R/Repository/Repository-Branches
- S
- Sparta/Sparta-Data-Mine
- Superalgos
- Superalgos-Chat-Groups
- Superalgos-Community-Task-Forces
- T
- TS
- TS-API-Data-Fetcher-Bot-Error
- TS-Dataset-Type-Standard-Converter-Error
- TS-LF-Learning-Bot-Errors
- TS-LF-Trading-Bot-Errors
- TS-LF-Trading-Bot-Infos
- TS-LF-Trading-Bot-Warnings
- TS-Process-Errors
- TS-Task-Errors
- TS-Trading-Session-Errors
- Tested/Tested-Exchanges
- Trading
- Trading-Engine
- Trading-Farms
- Trading-Logic
- Trading-Systems
- Troubleshooting/Troubleshooting
- U
- UI/UI-Websockets-Errors
- User/User-Examples-for-Stop-Loss
- Z/Zeus/Zeus-Data-Mine
- Docs-Tutorials
- A/aggregate-data-from-different-exchanges-in-a-chart
- B
- Basic/Basic-Education
- Beyond/Beyond-the-Basics
- D
- Defining/Defining-a-Trading-Idea
- Developers/Developers-Intro
- H
- Hello/Hello-World-Tutorial
- How
- How-to-combine-two-markets-in-the-same-Chart
- How-to-customize-the-Layers-held-in-a-Layer-Manager
- How-to-set-up-a-custom-Rate-Scale-for-an-Indicator
- I
- Install/Install-a-New-Market
- Intro/Intro-to-Trading-Systems
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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4 | 4 |
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5 | 5 |
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7 |
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8 | 8 |
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9 | 9 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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| 14 | + |
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828 | 828 |
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829 | 829 |
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830 | 830 |
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831 |
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