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Forward defines the out_forward Buffered Output plugin forwards events to other fluentd nodes.

Field Description Scheme
servers Servers defines the servers section, at least one is required []*common.Server
serviceDiscovery ServiceDiscovery defines the service_discovery section *common.ServiceDiscovery
security ServiceDiscovery defines the security section *common.Security
requireAckResponse Changes the protocol to at-least-once. The plugin waits the ack from destination's in_forward plugin. *bool
ackResponseTimeout This option is used when require_ack_response is true. This default value is based on popular tcp_syn_retries. *string
sendTimeout The timeout time when sending event logs. *string
connectTimeout The connection timeout for the socket. When the connection is timed out during the connection establishment, Errno::ETIMEDOUT error is raised. *string
recoverWait The wait time before accepting a server fault recovery. *string
heartbeatType Specifies the transport protocol for heartbeats. Set none to disable. *string
heartbeatInterval The interval of the heartbeat packer. *string
phiFailureDetector Use the "Phi accrual failure detector" to detect server failure. *bool
phiThreshold The threshold parameter used to detect server faults. *uint16
hardTimeout The hard timeout used to detect server failure. The default value is equal to the send_timeout parameter. *string
expireDnsCache Sets TTL to expire DNS cache in seconds. Set 0 not to use DNS Cache. *string
dnsRoundRobin Enable client-side DNS round robin. Uniform randomly pick an IP address to send data when a hostname has several IP addresses. heartbeat_type udp is not available with dns_round_robintrue. Use heartbeat_type tcp or heartbeat_type none. *bool
ignoreNetworkErrorsAtStartup Ignores DNS resolution and errors at startup time. *bool
tlsVersion The default version of TLS transport. *string
tlsCiphers The cipher configuration of TLS transport. *string
tlsInsecureMode Skips all verification of certificates or not. *bool
tlsAllowSelfSignedCert Allows self-signed certificates or not. *bool
tlsVerifyHostname Verifies hostname of servers and certificates or not in TLS transport. *bool
tlsCertPath The additional CA certificate path for TLS. *string
tlsClientCertPath The client certificate path for TLS. *string
tlsClientPrivateKeyPath The client private key path for TLS. *string
tlsClientPrivateKeyPassphrase The TLS private key passphrase for the client. *string
tlsCertThumbprint The certificate thumbprint for searching from Windows system certstore. This parameter is for Windows only. *string
tlsCertLogicalStoreName The certificate logical store name on Windows system certstore. This parameter is for Windows only. *string
tlsCertUseEnterpriseStore Enables the certificate enterprise store on Windows system certstore. This parameter is for Windows only. *bool
keepalive Enables the keepalive connection. *bool
keepaliveTimeout Timeout for keepalive. Default value is nil which means to keep the connection alive as long as possible. *string
verifyConnectionAtStartup Verify that a connection can be made with one of out_forward nodes at the time of startup. *bool