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read Function

The read function retrieves health-related data for the specified HealthLinkDataType using platform-specific APIs for iOS and Android. It supports filtering and sorting options through the ReadOptions interface.

Example usage

read(HealthLinkDataType.BloodGlucose, {
  unit: BloodGlucoseUnit.MmolPerL,
  startDate: new Date('2021-01-01').toISOString(),

Data types

Type: HealthLinkDataType Description: Specifies the type of health data to retrieve. Possible values are:


ReadOptions Interface

The ReadOptions interface defines the optional parameters that can be used to filter, sort, and limit the health data retrieved.

Field Type Description Default
startDate string ISO 8601 string specifying the start date for filtering data. undefined
endDate string ISO 8601 string specifying the end date for filtering data. undefined
ascending boolean Determines if the results should be sorted in ascending order (true) or descending order (false). false (descending)
limit number Limits the number of results returned. undefined (no limit)
unit string The unit of measurement for the data (e.g., BloodGlucoseUnit.MmolPerL). undefined

Field Explanations

  1. startDate:

    • Filters the data to include only records starting from this date.
    • Example: startDate: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z" will retrieve data from January 1, 2023.
  2. endDate:

    • Filters the data to include only records up to this date.
    • Example: endDate: "2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" will retrieve data until December 31, 2023.
    • If only endDate is provided, all data before this date will be retrieved.
  3. ascending:

    • Defines the sorting order of the retrieved data.
    • Example: ascending: true will sort results in chronological order, whereas false will sort them in reverse chronological order.
  4. limit:

    • Specifies the maximum number of records to retrieve.
    • Example: limit: 100 retrieves only the first 100 records.
  5. unit:

    • Specifies the unit for the data values.
    • Example: Use BloodGlucoseUnit.MmolPerL for HealthLinkDataType.BloodGlucose.
    • Use the units that the library exports to avoid mismatch.

Unit Types

The Unit type supports various health-related units:

Unit Type Examples
BloodGlucoseUnit MmolPerL, MgPerDL
WeightUnit Kg, Lbs
HeightUnit Cm, Inches
HeartRateUnit BeatsPerMinute

Examples Using ReadOptions

Retrieve Blood Glucose Data Between Dates

read(HealthLinkDataType.BloodGlucose, {
  startDate: '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z',
  endDate: '2021-12-31T23:59:59Z',
  unit: BloodGlucoseUnit.MmolPerL,