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React native version for Firebolt wallet with Bitcoin, Lightning Network/LSP (Breez SDK), Coinjoin, Nostr, Payjoin, Taproot
Cypherpunk App
Firebolt is a wallet designed by a Bitcoiner for Bitcoiners looking for privacy using Payjoin, Lightning Network, Coinjoin, Bitcoin and Nostr.
Each individual has their own identity using Nostr.
Central Banks, centralized social media, non-coinjoin wallets and KYC platforms
Firebolt offers a Bitcoin wallet that supports both on-chain and lightning transactions. The application runs a custom, non-routing Lightning node created with the Breez SDK on the user's mobile phone.
Users can back up their Bitcoin and Lightning keys with a standard BIP-39 seed and backup channel The other main features Firebolt supports are as follows:
📱 Contact list via Nostr
🪙 Payments via Lightning Network
⚡Non custodial via on-chain and Lightning Network
⚛️ Coinjoin (ZK proof) & Payjoin (V1) for privacy
🫂Buy Bitcoin via P2P apps (PeachBitcoin, Bisq, RoboSats)
🌊Liquid Network support
🤫 Silent Payments
- Lightning Network/Liquid Network (Breez SDK)
- Nostr (create profiles)
- Bitcoin (on-chain)
- LSP (Breez List)
- Greenlight by Breez SDK
- Coinjoin powered by ZK proof, Coinswap, Taproot and more
- PayJoin V1
- Bitcoin-only (Lightning Network, Liquid)
- Backup using Nostr keys and BIP-39
- Miniscript
- Contact list via Nostr (NPub)
- Buy Bitcoin via P2P apps (PeachBitcoin, Bisq, RoboSats)
- User friendly
- iOS and Android
- Portal NFC by TwentyTwo Hardwallet
- Trezor and Ledger Hardwallet support
- Silent Payments
- Watch only wallet
- Bitcoin converter Tool
- XPub support
- Ark protocol (soon)
- Offline payments (soon)
- Coinjoin resistence to the Quantum Computer (soon)
- BTCPayServer Plugin (2025-2026) [WIP]
- BOLT12
- APIs Breez SDK tested
- Greenlight APIs added
- Build.graldle tested
- Pre-beta app phase
- ZK Proof (Coinjoin) tested into Android app
- App running locally (Android)
- Mainnet
- Tor Daemon (Android)
- VPN (Wireguard)
- Beta App (Android - via APK) in 2025
- Reproducible builds (Android)
- Offline signing, payments on-chain
- Post Quantum Resistence Coinjoin (beta)
- iOs app
- Others hardwallets support (Green, OneKey, etc)
- Payjoin V2 (Payjoin React Native)
- YPub
- Ark Wallet SDK
- USDT support
ZK Proof Library Rust: ZK Proof Library for Coinjoin transactions
Coming soon in 2025 or 2026