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License: AGPL v3 Code coverage badge DeepSource

Django application for the DDP platform's management backend. Exposes API endpoints for the management frontend to communicate with, for the purposes of

  • Onboarding an NGO client
  • Adding users from the client-organization
  • Creating a client's workspace in our Airbyte installation
  • Configuring that workspace i.e. setting up sources, destinations and connections
  • Configuring data ingest jobs in our Prefect setup
  • Connecting to the client's dbt GitHub repository
  • Configuring dbt run jobs in our Prefect setup

Development conventions

Api end points naming

  • REST conventions are being followed.
  • CRUD end points for a User resource would look like:
    • GET /api/users/
    • GET /api/users/user_id
    • POST /api/users/
    • PUT /api/users/:user_id
    • DELETE /api/users/:user_id
  • Route parameteres should be named in snake_case as shown above.

Ninja api docs

  • All api docs are at http://localhost:8002/api/docs

Code style

  • Pep8 has been used to standardized variable names, classes, module names etc.
  • Pylint is the linting tool used to analyze the code as per Pep8 style.
  • Black is used as the code formatter.

Setting up your vscode env

  • Recommended IDE is VsCode.
  • Install the pylint extension in vscode and enable it.
  • Set the default format provider in vscode as black
  • Update the vscode settings.json as follows
    { "editor.defaultFormatter": null, "python.linting.enabled": true, "python.formatting.provider": "black", "editor.formatOnSave": true }

UV package manager

The project uses uv as its package manager. You will need to install it on your machine

UV can be installed system-wide using cURL on macOS and Linux:

curl -LsSf | sudo sh

And with Powershell on Windows (make sure you run Powershell with administrator privileges):

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

UV is available via Homebrew as well:

brew install uv

Setup instructions

Step 1: Create a Python Virtual Environment

uv sync

Setup pre-commit and run hooks

  • Run "pre-commit install" after activating your virtual env created in above step
  • Run "pre-commit run --all-files" to run the formatter

Step 2: Create the .env file

  • create .env from .env.template

Step 3: Create SQL Database

  • create a SQL database and populate its credentials into .env

  • You can use a postgresql docker image for local development

docker run --name postgres-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> -p 5432:5432 -d <db name>

  • Add the environment variable to .env
DBNAME=<db name>

Step 4: Install Airbyte

  • Open a new terminal
  • Download for Airbyte 0.58.0
  • Run ./ to start Airbyte. This is a self-contained application which includes the configuration database
  • Populate Airbyte connection credentials in the .env from Step 2:
AIRBYTE_API_TOKEN= <token> # base64 encryption of username:password. Default username and password is airbyte:password and token will be YWlyYnl0ZTpwYXNzd29yZA==

Step 5: Install Prefect and Start Prefect Proxy


Step 6: Create secrets directory

  • Set DEV_SECRETS_DIR in .env unless you want to use Amazon's Secrets Manager

Step 7: Install DBT

  • Open a new terminal

  • Create a local venv, install dbt and put its location into DBT_VENV in .env

pyenv local 3.10

pyenv exec python -m venv <env-name>

source <env-name>/bin/activate

python -m pip install \
  dbt-core \
  dbt-postgres \

  • Create empty directories for CLIENTDBT_ROOT


  • The SIGNUPCODE in .env is for signing up using the frontend. If you are running the frontend, set its URL in FRONTEND_URL

Step 9: Start Backend

  • Create logs folder in ddpui

  • create from in ddpui > assets folder

  • Run DB migrations python migrate

  • Seed the DB python loaddata seed/*.json

  • Create the system user python create-system-orguser

  • Start the server uvicorn ddpui.asgi:application --port <PORT_TO_LISTEN_ON>

Step 10: Create first org and user

  • Run python createorganduser <Org Name> <Email address> --role super-admin
  • The above command creates a user with super admin role. If we don't provide any role, the default role is of account manager.

Step11: Running celery

  • In your virtual environment run:
    celery -A ddpui worker -n ddpui
  • For windows run:
    celery -A ddpui worker -n ddpui -P solo
  • To start celery beat run:
    celery -A ddpui beat

Using Docker

Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install Docker and Docker Compose

Step 2: Create .env file

  • create .env.docker from .env.template inside the Docker folder

Step 3: Create file

  • Copy the file in ddpui/assets/ to Docker/mount

Step 4: Build the image

If using M1-based MacBook run this before building image export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

  • docker build -f Docker/Dockerfile.main --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') -t dalgo_backend_main_image:0.1 . This will create the main image
  • docker build -f Docker/ --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') -t dalgo_backend:0.1 .

Step 5: Start the other applications

Step 5: Start/stop Backend

  • docker compose -p dalgo_backend -f Docker/docker-compose.yml --env-file Docker/.env.docker up -d
  • docker compose -p dalgo_backend -f Docker/docker-compose.yml --env-file Docker/.env.docker down