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Proof of concept for OWASP Dependency-Track's own, centralized vulnerability database.

Refer to DependencyTrack/dependency-track#4122 for details.


flowchart LR
    A@{ shape: circle, label: "Start" }
    B@{ shape: fork, label: "Fork" }
    C@{ shape: fork, label: "Join" }
    Z@{ shape: dbl-circ, label: "Stop" }
    GH["Import GitHub"]
    NVD["Import NVD"]
    OSV["Import OSV"]
    OTH["Import ..."]
    MR["Merge source<br/>databases"]
    style OTH stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style EN stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    A --> B
    B --> GH
    B --> NVD
    B --> OSV
    B --> OTH
    GH --> C
    NVD --> C
    OSV --> C
    OTH --> C
    C --> MR
    MR --> PR
    PR --> EN
    EN --> Z



docker run -it --rm \
  -e 'GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_github_token>' \
  -e 'NVD_TOKEN=<your_nvd_token>' \
  -v "$(pwd):/workspace" \
  -w '/workspace' \ \
  import github nvd osv

This will populate the following database files in parallel:

  • github.sqlite
  • nvd.sqlite
  • osv.sqlite


docker run -it --rm \
  -v "$(pwd):/workspace" \
  -w '/workspace' \ \
  merge --output=all.sqlite github.sqlite nvd.sqlite osv.sqlite



Not fully implemented, don't expect useful results yet.

To get a rough idea of the data quality in a database, it can be leveraged to scan a CycloneDX Bill of Materials. The implementation of this command is also intended to showcase how matching logic may work.

docker run -it --rm \
  -v "$(pwd):/workspace" \
  -w '/workspace' \ \
  scan --database=all.sqlite bom.json

Data model

The following describes the current data model for source databases.
The model of the database that eventually is distributed to Dependency-Track instances will likely differ.


The model is experimental and may change frequently. Please let us know if you have suggestions to improve it.

A primary concern of the model is to track what data point was reported by which source.
We can only make educated decisions as to which source to trust, or what data to prioritize, if we have a complete picture.

    source {
        text name PK
        text display_name
        text license
        text url
    source_metadata {
        text source_name PK, FK
        text key PK
        text value
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at
    vuln {
        text id PK
    vuln_alias {
        text source_name PK, FK
        text vuln_id PK, FK
        text alias_id PK
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp deleted_at
    vuln_data {
        text source_name PK, FK
        text vuln_id PK, FK
        text description
        text cwes
        timestamp source_created_at
        timestamp source_published_at
        timestamp source_updated_at
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at
    vuln_rating {
        text source_name PK, FK
        text vuln_id PK, FK
        text method PK
        text severity
        text vector
        real score
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp updated_at
    vuln_reference {
        text source_name PK, FK
        text vuln_id PK, FK
        text url PK
        text name
    matching_criteria {
        integer id PK
        text source_name FK
        text vuln_id FK
        text cpe
        text cpe_part
        text cpe_vendor
        text cpe_product
        text purl_type
        text purl_namespace
        text purl_name
        text versions
        text additional_criteria_type
        blob additional_criteria
        timestamp created_at

    source ||--o{ source_metadata: "used by"
    source ||--o{ vuln_alias: "imported from"
    source ||--o{ vuln_data: "imported from"
    source ||--o{ vuln_rating: "imported from"
    source ||--o{ vuln_reference: "imported from"
    source ||--o{ matching_criteria: "imported from"
    vuln_alias }o--|| vuln: "aliases"
    vuln_data }o--|| vuln: "describes"
    vuln_rating }o--|| vuln: "rates"
    vuln_reference }o--|| vuln: "describes"
    matching_criteria }o--|| vuln: "affects"

The complete SQLite schema is located here.



New sources can be added by implementing the Importer interface, and registering the implementation with Java's ServiceLoader mechanism.

Importers are given access to a Database object which can be used to store and retrieve source metadata, as well as storing Vulnerability records. An Importer's only responsibility is to retrieve data from upstream sources, and transform it into the internal data model.


The database(s) may be used to conduct research on the data across multiple sources. Gathered insights will help to drive decisions for procurement and enrichment.

Snapshot builds are published to the GitHub Container Registry, both for each source individually, and all sourced merged into one.

They can be downloaded using oras, and decompressed using zstd:

oras pull
zstd --decompress --rm all.sqlite.zst

The full list of available artifacts can be found here.

SQLite databases can be opened in any common database tool, for example DBeaver or DB Browser for SQLite.

For more complex queries, DuckDB is worth using.
It has a SQLite extension that is trivially enabled:

duckdb -c 'install sqlite'
duckdb all.sqlite

Open questions

A few questions that could be answered using the data at hand:

  • Is it possible to reliably group vulnerabilities by their alias relationship?
    • Do sources report the same data across aliases, or do they have conflicting information?
    • If the information is conflicting, which sources are correct?
    • Are alias relationships truly transitive, or not reliable at all?
  • Given one or more ratings for a vulnerability across multiple sources, how do we pick the best?
    • If there is no way to determine the best, how can we deterministically pick one?
    • Consider the current NVD scenario, where the NVD is authoritative source for CVEs, but is severely lagging behind in rating them.
  • Is there data in any of the sources that we will need, but the data model doesn't accommodate for it?
  • Are there sources that are faster to add new vulnerabilities than others?
  • Are there sources that provide more complete information than others?
  • Are there sources that generally provide bad data and should not be included?

Example: Aliases

To find the aliases of all CVEs, and which source reported them:

with cve_aliases as(
  select vuln_id
       , alias_id
       , source_name
  from vuln_alias
  where vuln_id like 'CVE-%'
  select alias_id as vuln_id
       , vuln_id as alias_id
       , source_name
  from vuln_alias
  where alias_id like 'CVE-%'
select vuln_id
     , json_group_array(json_object(source_name, alias_id)) as aliases
from cve_aliases
group by vuln_id
order by vuln_id desc
limit 10

Example output:

vuln_id aliases
CVE-2025-24898 [{"github":"GHSA-rpmj-rpgj-qmpm"}]
CVE-2025-24884 [{"github":"GHSA-hcr5-wv4p-h2g2"},{"osv":"GHSA-hcr5-wv4p-h2g2"}]
CVE-2025-24883 [{"github":"GHSA-q26p-9cq4-7fc2"},{"osv":"GHSA-q26p-9cq4-7fc2"}]
CVE-2025-24882 [{"github":"GHSA-qv35-3gw6-8q4j"},{"osv":"GHSA-qv35-3gw6-8q4j"},{"osv":"GO-2024-3038"}]
CVE-2025-24856 [{"github":"GHSA-hj78-p4h7-m5fv"}]
CVE-2025-24814 [{"osv":"BIT-solr-2025-24814"},{"github":"GHSA-68r2-fwcg-qpm8"},{"osv":"GHSA-68r2-fwcg-qpm8"}]
CVE-2025-24802 [{"github":"GHSA-hj49-h7fq-px5h"}]
CVE-2025-24800 [{"github":"GHSA-wwx5-gpgr-vxr7"}]
CVE-2025-24795 [{"github":"GHSA-r2x6-cjg7-8r43"}]
CVE-2025-24794 [{"github":"GHSA-m4f6-vcj4-w5mx"}]

This data could be used to calculate confidences for alias relationships, i.e. the more sources report it the higher the confidence.

Example: Withdrawal across aliases

Vulnerabilities can be withdrawn or rejected. Taking aliases into consideration, is withdrawal consistently declared in all sources?

rejected_vulns as(
  select vuln_id
       , source_name
       , source_rejected_at
    from vuln_data
   where source_rejected_at is not null
rejected_vuln_aliases as(
  select vuln_id
       , alias_id
    from vuln_alias
   where vuln_id in (select vuln_id from rejected_vulns)
rejected_aliases as(
  select vuln_data.vuln_id as vuln_id
       , rejected_vuln_aliases.vuln_id as aliased_vuln_id
       , source_name
       , source_rejected_at
    from vuln_data
   inner join rejected_vuln_aliases
      on rejected_vuln_aliases.alias_id = vuln_data.vuln_id
select vuln_id
     , null as alias_id
     , source_name
     , source_rejected_at
  from rejected_vulns
 where vuln_id in (select aliased_vuln_id from rejected_aliases)
 union all
select aliased_vuln_id as vuln_id
     , vuln_id as alias_id
     , source_name
     , source_rejected_at
  from rejected_aliases
 order by vuln_id, alias_id nulls first

Example output:

vuln_id alias_id source_name source_rejected_at
CVE-2018-1103 null osv 1715751224000
CVE-2018-1103 GHSA-w55j-f7vx-6q37 github null
CVE-2018-1103 GHSA-w55j-f7vx-6q37 osv null
CVE-2018-1103 GO-2020-0026 osv null
CVE-2018-11087 null osv 1715751224000
CVE-2018-11087 GHSA-w4g2-9hj6-5472 github null
CVE-2018-11087 GHSA-w4g2-9hj6-5472 osv null

In the above output CVE-2018-1103 and CVE-2018-11087 are both declared as withdrawn by OSV, but none of their respective aliases are, even if they originate from the same source (OSV).


Proof of concept for OWASP Dependency-Track's own, centralized vulnerability database.







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