TroubleScope is a Falco plugin that exposes Falco proc tree as a FuseFS.
It can be useful to debug weird proc tree issues.
Also, a diagnostic
event gets generated every time Falco proc tree diverges from real proc.
The plugin requires the 3.7.0
plugin API version.
# Ubuntu
sudo apt install fuse3 libfuse3-dev
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:FedeDP/troublescope.git
cd troublescope
# Do the following only if you don't have a system-wide vcpkg installation
export VCPKG_ROOT=./vcpkg
cmake -S . -B build --preset linux-gcc
cmake --build build --target troublescope
pre-commit install --install-hooks --hook-type pre-commit --overwrite
# or
pre-commit run --all-files
- Download falco master tar.gz
- Modify the Falco config
load_plugins: [troublescope]
# Customize subsettings for each enabled plugin. These settings will only be
# applied when the corresponding plugin is enabled using the `load_plugins`
# option.
- name: troublescope
library_path: /home/andrea/personal/troublescope/
init_config: ""
sudo ./usr/bin/falco -c ./etc/falco/falco.yaml -r ./etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml
From libs master:
mkdir build && cd build
make sinsp-example -j2
Run it:
sudo /home/andrea/personal/libs/build-sinsp-fast/libsinsp/examples/sinsp-example -p "/home/andrea/personal/troublescope/build/|{\"fs_root\": \"/tmp/troublescope\"}" -m -f "evt.type in (open)"