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The Search Tag & Analyze Resource for collaborative annotation and interpretation of disease from open digital samples from GEO.

Installing from source

  1. Create an Ubuntu 16.04 instance.

  2. Configure ssh connection by adding something like this to ~/.ssh/config:

    Host stargeo
      User ubuntu
      IdentityFile /path/to/stargeo.pem
      IdentitiesOnly yes
  3. Clone code locally:

    git clone stargeo
    cd stargeo

    Switch to branch:

    git checkout limited
  4. Install deployment dependencies (unless you've already installed dev ones):

    We will use virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to create isolated python environment, so start with:

    sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

    When create a virtualenv for our project and install dependencies:

    mkvirtualenv star
    pip install -r requirements-deploy.txt
  5. Install and configure:

    fab install
    fab config  # Fill in all the keys here
    fab restart

    Config command will open ~/app/.env remote file in vim, alternatively you can ssh into instance and edit it directly. You will need to specify BIOPORTAL_API_KEY (get here), FROM_EMAIL and ADMIN.

  6. Create a superuser for yourself (need one to log into admin):

    fab manage:createsuperuser

Making a working copy

Here are steps to make local deployment of this app in order to tinker it.

  1. Get sources:

    git clone
    cd star-django
  2. Install development dependencies (like above, different file):

    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  3. Update settings:

    All settings that should vary by deployment go to .env file, so:

    cp .env.example .env
    <edit> .env

    Adjust settings in .env file, you will probably need to only set DATABASE_URL for your working copy.

  4. Create or migrate database tables:

    ./ migrate
    ./ createsuperuser
  5. Run it and have fun:

    ./ runserver 5000

    Go to http://localhost:5000/ to see the app or to http://localhost:5000/admin/ to see admin panel.

    To debug background tasks you'll need to start celery:

    honcho start celery

    NOTE: it doesn't autorestart, you'll need to do that manually.

    To run both development web-server and celery in single terminal and autorestart both do:

    # .. install node.js and npm somehow
    npm install -g nodemon
    nodemon -x 'honcho start' -e py


  1. Configure ssh connection (see in install).

  2. Install deployment dependencies (see in install).

  3. Run locally to deploy latest commit:

    fab deploy

Restore backup


docker compose -f <compose-config-file> up -d <db_service_name>
zcat < db_dump__arch_file.sql.gz | docker exec -i <db_container_name_or_id> psql -U <db_user> <db_name>