Experiments for the IEEE HPEC 2021 conference paper "Performance Evaluation Comparison Between Docker and Hypervisor Virtualization." (Paper Link)
- Anna DeVries
- Shane Conaboy
- Mark Tiburu
- Li Wang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
Boston, MA
chmod u+x script_<benchmark>.sh
sudo ./script_<benchmark>.sh [options]
-h, --help show brief help
-n, --number=NUMBER specify number of experiments iterations (default 10)
-s, --system=SYSTEM specify docker or system (default system)
Example useage:
sudo ./script_linpack.sh -s docker # will run 10 iterations of linpack with docker containers
sudo ./script_netperf.sh -n 20 -s system # will run 20 iterations of netperf on the system
I/O Disk Performance Metric
reference: https://www.iozone.org/
CPU Performance Metric
reference: http://www.netlib.org/linpack/
Network Throughput Performance Metric
reference: https://hewlettpackard.github.io/netperf/
Memory Bandwidth Performance Metric
reference: https://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/
- iozone_benchmark
- Dockerfile
- script_iozone.sh
- linpack_benchmark
- Dockerfile
- script_linpack.sh
- netperf_benchmark
- Dockerfile
- script_netperf.sh
- stream_benchmark
- Dockerfile
- script_stream.sh
- results_figures
- benchmark_results.xlsm
- iozone_figure_read.png
- iozone_figure_write.png
- linpack_figure.png
- netperf_figure.png
- stream_figure.png