DevTooling CLI is an advanced command-line tool for project analysis and development management.
- Smart Project Detection
- Automatic project type detection
- Support for multiple frameworks and technologies
- System of detection based on configurable rules
- Project Management
- Watch folders for automatic project detection
- Low-level and deep scanning modes
- Quick project navigation
- Project type classification
- Project listing and organization
- Visualization of Structure
- Interactive directory tree
- Smart filtering of files and folders
- Customizable visualization
Detect outdated dependencies
Detect vulnerabilities
Analyze dependency sizes
Visualize dependency tree
View repository status
Manage branches
View commit history
Generate .gitignore automatically
Contribution statistics
Pull request statistics
Initialice a new repository tool
Count lines per language
Detect duplicated code
Analyze complexity
Project statistics
Suggestions for improvements
Detect available scripts
Integrated execution
Customizable shortcuts
Concurrent task management
Generate components from templates
Validate project structure
Manage configurations
Customizable templates
Analyze configurations
Optimize Dockerfiles
Containers management
Validate best practices
Run tests
Coverage reports
Integration with linters
Quality metrics
Automatic documentation generation
Diagrams and visualizations
Documentation templates
Environment management
Configuration validation
Environment comparison
Configuration templates
Download the latest release for your operating system:
# Windows
Download devtool.exe from the latest release
# Linux/MacOS
Download devtool from the latest release
chmod +x devtool # Make it executable
# Install globally
pip install devtooling-cli
# Or install in a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # Linux/MacOS
.venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
pip install devtooling-cli
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd DevTooling
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install the package
pip install .
# Launch the interactive CLI
# Or if installed from source
python -m devtool
Structure Visualization
# Show project structure with different modes
devtool structure --mode MODE PATH
# Examples:
devtool structure --mode automatic ./my-project
devtool structure --mode manual .
devtool structure --mode complete /path/to/project
Projects Management
# Add a folder to watch for projects
devtool projects --folders-add PATH
# Add with low-level scanning (only root and first level)
devtool projects --folders-add PATH --low-level
# Remove a watched folder
devtool projects --folders-remove PATH
# List all watched folders and detected projects
devtool projects --list
# Refresh projects in watched folders
devtool projects --refresh-folders
# Navigate to a project
devtool projects --go PROJECT_NAME
# or use the shortcut
devtool go PROJECT_NAME
The tool will automatically detect your project type and apply appropriate filters. You can customize the detection rules by modifying:
#Define the rules to detect project types and their dependencies, #and the files and directories to ignore based on the project type.
The contributions are welcome. Please read the contribution guide before starting.
MIT License.
Developed with ❤️ by KloutDevs.