Items not specificaly aligned to any of the other repos, or potentially linked with more than one other repo.
Name | Description |
tli2ipandport | Convert a TLI string into an IP address and Port number |
Name | Description |
ReadAloudArseblogLive | Load the Arseblog live match coverage, and read it out. |
graph LR;
F[Feature\nRequest] --> C["Feature Commit(s)\n(feature branch)"]
C --> PR["Pull Request\n(to main branch)"];
PR --> ABT[Code Analysis\nPR Build\nUnit Test]
ABT --> M[Merge]
PR -- Approval --> M
M --> B[Build]
B --> P[Package]
P --> UAT[Deploy\nUAT]
UAT -- Mark Tested --> P
P -- Tested --> Rel[Deploy\nProd]
Rel --> Mon[Operate &\nMonitor]
Mon --> F
participant Client
participant Server
Client ->> Server: Client Hello
Server ->> Client: Server response, cipher, TLS version, Public key
Client ->> Server: Client verifies, sends key encrypted with public key
Server --> Client: Server decrypts sent key with private key
Server ->> Client: Both can talk using shared secret
Client ->> Server:
For more information see: