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Micodymora user's guide

Micodymora is a python package allowing to simulate Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) models of microbial population dynamics, while providing gas/liquid transfer and acide/base equilibria as additional features. It is compatible with Python 3.4 and onward.

It contains an implementation of a simple microbial population dynamics model (described in this manuscript), along with some readily usable metabolic pathways and physico-chemical data (Henry constants, acid/base equilibrium constants, Gibbs energy and enthalpies of formations), plus a few convenience files to be able to run a simulation out of the box.

The way the package is organized makes it easy to add new data (reactions, chemical species, acide/base equilibria, thermodynamics data...), so even users without python programming skills can adapt the package to fit their needs. It is also possible to implement new growth models and to simulate them using this framework, although it will require python programming skills.


Besides standard library modules, the micodymora package relies on the following modules;

  • numpy

  • scipy

  • pandas

The utility script utils/ which allows to perform simulations out of the box also requires the PyYAML module.

structure of the project

The base directory of the project contains the code of the python package. The data/ directory contains the data for the package (definitions of chemical species, chemical reactions, physicochemical constants etc...). The utils/ directory contains additional scripts which are not directly necessary for the package but are provided for the users.

The whole project is intended to be stored in a directory called micodymora/ and to be used as a package by external scripts.

Running a simulation using the Micodymora package

Micodymora is a python package, so in order to run a simulation, it must be called by another python script. Conveniently, an example of such script is provided (utils/ It will also require a simulation configuration file, which defines the experimental conditions of the simulation. The script reads configurations written as YAML files; an example of such file is also provided with the project (utils/DvMmMb_example.yaml).

A minimal setup to run this example configuration would then be;

  • make sure the project is stored inside a micodymora/ directory

  • step out of the directory and copy both and DvMmMb_example.yaml there

  • now the directory structure of the current directory should be

+-- DvMmMb_example.yaml
+-- micodymora/
    +-- data/
    |   +-- (all the data files of the package ...)
    +-- utils/
    +-- (all the python files of the package ...)

The script defines a Command Line Interface, so it allows to use the micodymora from command line. As a first example, the following command will simulate the system represented in the DvMmMb_example.yaml configuration file for 24 hours and store the result in the current working directory.

python DvMmMb_example.yaml --end 24

Other possibilities of the script are detailed in the documentation of the script itself (try python --help).

micodymora's data

The package's data files are stored in the data/ directory. It is possible to add data to the package by editing those files.


This file contains the atomic weight (g/mol) of the elements found in the chemical species involved in the simulations. This is a "tab-separated values" (tsv) file with a header. The elements names as they appear in this file must be the same as they appear in the "formula" column of the chems.csv data file.


This file contains the definition of chemical species. This is a "comma-separated values" (csv) file with a header. Every chemical species used in the reactions.dat, equilibria.dat and gas_liquid_transfer.dat files must be defined in chems.csv.

  • The "name" column is the name by which the chemical species must be refered to in chemical equations (for example in the reactions.dat file).

  • The "formula" column is the chemical formula of the chemical species. All the elements used in the formulas in this file must be defined in elements.dat.

  • the "dGf0" column is the Gibbs energy of formation for the chemical species at 298 K in kJ/mol.

  • the "source" column is the bibliography source for the dGf0 value. Obviously, this source value should not contain comma.

Note that for any given chemical species, there must be one entry for each state into which the chemical species can be found in the simulations. For example, in chems.csv there is an entry for "H2(aq)" (dihydrogen dissolved in the liquid phase) and an entry for "H2(g)" (dihydrogen in the gas phase). It is so because in many circumstances, we may want to simulate them as independent species, and they have different Gibbs energies and enthalpies. If a chemical species belongs to a specific phase, it must be indicated with the name of the phase in parentheses. If no phase is specified in a chemical species name, it is assumed to be dissolved in the liquid phase.


This file contains the enthalpy of formation of chemical species at 298 K in kJ/mol. It is not necessary that all species have an enthalpy value defined in this file in order to run a simulation. However, if some enthalpy values for chemical species involved in a simulation are missing, the program will not be able to apply temperature correction on Gibbs energies, so the standard condition of 298 K will be assumed (a message will indicate this at the beginning of the simulation).


This file contains chemical reaction definitions. This is not a list of all the simulations occuring in a given simulation, but a list of predefined reactions from which the user can choose from. It is not necessary that all chemical reactions are defined in that file; they can be defined inside the configuration file, however this file allow to provide shorthands by assigning a name to predefined reactions.

Each line of this file correspond to a chemical reaction. It begins with the reaction's name (by which it will be refered to in simulation configuration files), then a column symbol, and then the reaction's formula.

Chemical species in the formula must be referred to by their name as it is defined in the chems.csv file. Their stoichiometric coefficient must be placed at the beginning of their name without space (for example "2 H2O" is wrong, while "2H2O" is right). The chemical species names must be separated with "+" and "-->" (arrow) symbols, themselves being separated by spaces. For example, the following line

acetogenesis: Lac(-) + 2H2O --> Ac(-) + 2H2(aq) + HCO3- + H+

is a valid reaction definition while

acetogenesis: Lac(-)+2H2O-->Ac(-)+2H2(aq)+HCO3-+H+

is not.


This file contains the definition of acide/base equilibria which are considered to apply instantly in the reaction medium. Like reactions.dat, the program's user picks which ones applies to a specific simulate by refering to their names in the simulation configuration files.

Each line defines a specific chain of equilibria. There are three fields separated by ": ". The first field is the name of the equilibria chain. The second field is a space-separated list of the chemical species involved in the equilibria chain (again, the names must be defined in chems.csv), and the third field contains the pKa values of the equilibria at 298 K.

For example the following row;

carbonate: CO2(aq) HCO3- CO3-2: 6.35 10.33

defines an equilibria chain called "carbonate", which consists in two equilibria; "CO2(aq) <-> HCO3-" and "HCO3- <-> CO3-2", whose pKa constants at 298 K are respectively 6.35 and 10.33.

In its current state, micodymora can only account for linear, independent equilibria chains. For example, multiple equilibria between free cations and CO3-2 (CO3-2 + Mg+2 <-> MgCO3, CO3-2 + Ca+2 <-> CaCO3 ...) cannot be handled for the moment. If the acid/base equilibria selected in a configuration file are such that a single chemical species is affected by multiple equilibria, an error will be raised during the parsing of the configuration file.


This file contains the definition of transfers of chemical species between the gas phase and the liquid phase. This is a "comma-separated values" (csv) file with a header. Like reactions.dat, the program's user picks which ones applies to a specific simulate by refering to their names in the simulation configuration files. Column "name" defines the name of the gas/liquid transfer as it should be referred to in configuration files. Columns "liquid" and "gas" contains the name of the chemical species in liquid and gas phase respectively. Those names must be the name of species already defined in chems.csv. Column H0cp contains the value of the Henry constant for the transfer between the two phases, in mol per meter cube per Pascal. This constant, when multiplied to a gas pressure in Pascal, then gives the saturation concentration of the liquid phase exposed to the gas phase at 298 K. The "Hsol/R" column contains the enthalpy of solution of the gas/liquid transfer, divided by the gas constant R. The value of this column is then in Kelvin. This value is needed in order to update the Henry constant of the gas/liquid transfer for temperatures different from 298 K.

writing a simulation configuration file

A configuration file contains the informations necessary for the micodymora simulation functions to be able to represent a microbial culture as an ordinary differential equations system and to integrate it.

The utility files provided in the utils/ directory rely on the YAML format, however, the input required by the get_simulation functions is only a python dictionary, so it is easy to write a script to read data from other sources such as JSON files, or even to directly generate configuration data structures in python.

mandatory parameters

  • concentrations: a dictionary defining the initial concentrations of chemical species in the system, where the entries are the name of chemical species as defined in data/chems.csv and the values are their concentration in mole per liter. If the species is a gas species, its concentration is interpreted as being in mole per liter of gas phase.

  • community: a dictionary of the microbial community to simulate. Each entry is the name of a microbial population (which will be attributed a biomass concentration), and it contains another dictionary with a "pathways" entry and a "growth model" entry. The "pathways" entry contains a dictionary, whose entries are reaction names, which can refer to readily defined reactions in data/reactions.dat. It is also possible to use instead a name which is not defined in data/reactions.dat and instead write the formula of the reaction in a "formula" entry inside the reaction's dictionary. The dictionary of each reaction must also contain reaction-specific parameters, such as maximum rate etc, which depends on the growth model. The "growth model" entry of the population dictionary also contains a dictionary, which contains a "name" entry indicating the name of the growth model to use (refer to and a "paramters" entry which contains population-specific parameters for the model (which depends on the growth model).

Here is a summary of the "community" data structure in YAML format, with the syntactic names in uppercase;

            REACTION 1 NAME: # this reaction name can be found in data/reactions.dat
                PARAMETER 1: PARAMETER 1 VALUE
                PARAMETER 2: PARAMETER 2 VALUE
            REACTION 2 NAME: # this reaction name cannot be found in data/reactions.dat
                formula: REACTION FORMULA # use the same convention as in data/reactions.dat
                PARAMETER 1: PARAMETER 1 VALUE
                PARAMETER 2: PARAMETER 2 VALUE
        growth model:
            name: MODEL NAME

optional parameters

  • atol: the absolute tolerance for the integrator (default: 1e-3)

  • T: the temperature of the system (default: 298.15 K)

  • D: the dilution rate occuring in the system, in order to simulate a chemostat culture (default: 0 hour-1)

  • fixed pH: a constant pH value for the system. If this parameter is defined, the pH of the pH will be constant and all the acid/base equilibria will be computed during each timesteps so as to comply to this pH value (default: None)

  • equilibria: list of acid/base equilibria, by their name as they are defined in data/equilibria.dat

  • gas-liquid interface: informations to provide in the case of a culture medium having a gas phase;

    • vliq: volume of the liquid phase in liter (default: 1 L)
    • vgas: volume of the gas phase in liter (default: 1 L)
    • transfers: dictionary of the different gas/liquid transfers happening during the simulation. The key of each dictionary entry is the name of the name of a gas/liquid transfer as defined in gas_liquid_transfer.csv and the value of each entry is its mass transfer coefficient (kLa) in hour-1 (cf Lewis and Whitman, 1924).


Simulation framework for microbial population dynamics (read related publication here:






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