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Pull requests that update a dependency file
OMI rewrite
OMI rewrite
other: example 📐
other: example :triangular_ruler:
Provides an example
other: good first issue 🌱
other: good first issue :seedling:
Good for newcomers
other: help wanted 🙋
other: help wanted :raising_hand:
Help or assistance is needed
part: backend 🧱
part: backend :bricks:
Concerns backend components
part: community 🌍
part: community :earth_africa:
Concerns the community or outreach
part: docu 📖
part: docu :book:
Concerns the documentation
part: frontend 🖥️
part: frontend :desktop_computer:
Concerns the content or design
part: github :octocat:
part: github :octocat:
Concerns the organisation of the repository on GitHub
priority: critical 🔥
priority: critical :fire:
Critical priority
priority: high ⚡
priority: high :zap:
High priority
priority: low 🦥
priority: low :sloth:
Low priority
Pull requests that update python code
resolution: duplicate 🐾
resolution: duplicate :feet:
Already exists
resolution: invalid ❌
resolution: invalid :x:
Is invalid
resolution: released 🎉
resolution: released :tada:
Resolved and released
resolution: wontfix ⛔
resolution: wontfix :no_entry:
This will not be worked on
status: active 🚧
status: active :construction:
Work in progress
status: blocked 🛑
status: blocked :stop_sign:
Blocked or impeded progress
status: completed ✔️
status: completed :heavy_check_mark:
Has been completed
status: decision wanted 🗳️
status: decision wanted :ballot_box:
Decision is needed
status: discussion 💬
status: discussion :speech_balloon:
Discussion is ongoing
time: L (month) 📅
time: L (month) 📅
Implementation is estimated to take months
time: M (week) 🕗
time: M (week) 🕗
Implementation is estimated to take weeks
time: S (day) ⏳
time: S (day) ⏳
Implementation is estimated to take days
type: bug 🐛
type: bug :bug:
Something isn't working
type: enhancement ⚙️
type: enhancement :gear:
Improvement of an existing feature
type: feature 🛠️
type: feature :hammer_and_wrench:
Implementation of a new feature
type: question ❓
type: question :question:
Open question and further information is needed