Releases: RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins
Releases · RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins
Install GitHub Version With WEB INSTALLER
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), Android, ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, GTA, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0309-1930-0.420.0-0ef732f
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-03-09 19:30 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-03-09 19:30 EST
- NFC Clipper updates (By Davis-P0)
- OFW: PR: Bad USB: Full USB/BLE parameter customization, UI improvements, and more #4136 (By Willy-JL)
- OFW: PR: NFC: add nfc apdu cli command back #4133 (By leommxj)
- Updated: BLE Killer v1.1 (By H4lo)
Req: ESP32
UART Changes (By ZhaiRenGaiZaoJia) - Updated: Key Copier v1.3 (By zinongli) Version 1.3: UI Improvements #32 (By Offreds)
- Updated: DeadZone v0.2 (By retrooper)
- Updated: Lab401/Light MESSENGER v1.3 (By tixlegeek)
- Updated: Portal of Flipper v1.2 (By bettse) Support for emulating xbox 360 portals & Use the backlight and RGB led to emulate the portals LEDs (By sanjay900)
- Updated: FindMy Flipper v3.5.1 (By MatthewKuKanich) Add initial support for Google's Find My Device network #115 (By aaronjamt)
- Updated: Sub-GHz Bruteforcer v4.0 (By Ganapati/xMasterX/derskythe)
- Updated: Tuning Fork v2.1 (By besya)
- Updated: NRF24 Jammer v1.0 (By huuck) (Exercise Caution and Follow Your Local Laws)
- Updated: Ghost ESP v1.2.3 (By jaylikesbunda & Spooks4576)
Req: ESP32
with Ghost ESP Firmware - OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043 #4075 #4109 #4090 #4103 #4121 #4119 #4123 #4110 #4120 #4129
Install GitHub Version With WEB INSTALLER
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), Android, ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, GTA, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0303-1119-0.420.0-f0160a2
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-03-03 11:19 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-03-03 11:19 EST
- Updated: Timer v0.1 (By nagamine-git)
- Updated: Cross Remote v3.3 (By leedave)
- Added Cross Remote Support in Archive App (Code supplied By leedave)
- Updated: Lab401/Light MESSENGER v1.2 (By tixlegeek)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.7 (By luu176)
- Updated: Authenticator/TOTP v5.17.0 (By akopachov)
- Updated: FlipperZero Clock v1.3 (By mdaskalov)
- OFW: PR: Infrared: Fix universals sending #4132 (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: NFC Comparator v1.3 (By acegoal07)
- Added: Fighter Jet v0.1.1 (By Erbonator3000)
- Updated: INA Meter v0.1 (By cepetr)
- IR: Fix universal monitor remote crash & Brute Force changes (By Willy-JL) (Some other minor text fixes also included)
- Updated: Portal of Flipper v1.0 (By bettse) PoF: Unlock USB (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: ServoTester (2) v0.2 (By mhasbini) (Version Only)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043 #4075 #4109 #4090 #4103 #4121 #4119 #4123 #4110 #4120 #4129
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), Android, ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, GTA, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Releas RM0225-1310-0.420.0-bebc11d
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-02-26 10:10 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-02-26 10:10 EST
- Updated: Portal of Flipper v1.0 (By bettse)
- Added: INA Meter v0.1 (By cepetr)
- Added: 1D Pacman v0.1 (By easiwork)
- Added: Smartra VIN2PIN v1.0 (By evillero)
- Updated: Solitaire v2.0.2 (By doofy-dev)
- Updated: Lab401/Light MESSENGER v1.2 (By tixlegeek)
- Updated: Cross Remote v3.2 (By leedave)
- OFW: Furi, USB, BLE, Debug: various bug fixes and improvements #4114 (By skotopes)
- OFW: BadUSB: Mouse control #4004 (By jetrp1)
- OFW: vscode: disabled auto-update for clangd #4122 (By hedger)
- OFW: Faster di card reading #4087 (By bettse) (Already In RM)
- OFW: Fixed repeat in subghz tx_from_file command #4099 (By Jnesselr)
- Game Mode updated to extend Dummy Mode instead of being its own mode (By RogueMaster)
- Updated: DeadZone v0.1 (By retrooper)
- UL: SubGHz: Fix GangQi protocol (By DoberBit and mishamyte) (They spent 2 weeks on this!)
- UL: SubGHz: Came Atomo button hold simulation with full cycle simulation (to allow proper pairing with receiver) (By xMasterX)
- UL: Infrared Fixes (By xMasterX)
- Updated: USB HID Autofire v0.6 (By pbek)
- Added: Timer v0.1 (By nagamine-git)
- Updated: GB Printer v0.5 (By kbembedded)
Req: GB Link Cable / Malveke
- Added: LIDAR Emulator v0.1 (By regaly)
- Added: LED Blinker v1.0 (By Cupprum)
- Updated: Key Copier v1.2 (By zinongli)
- OFW: NFC: FeliCa Protocol Expose Read Block API and Allow Specifying Service #4074 (By zinongli) (Already in RM)
- OFW: LFRFID: Fix Detection Conflict Between Securakey and Noralsy Format #4125 (By zinongli)
- OFW: gpio: clear irq status before calling user handler #4118 (By mammothbane)
- Updated: Quac! v0.8.0 (By rdefeo)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.7 (By luu176)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043 #4075 #4109 #4090 #4103 #4121 #4119 #4123 #4110 #4120
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), Android, ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, GTA, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Releas RM0215-1145-0.420.0-3cfc04b
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-02-15 11:45 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-02-15 11:45 EST
- Updated: NFC Seader v3.3 (By bettse)
- OFW: Update mbedtls and expose AES #4092 (By portasynthinca3)
- OFW: ufbt: bumped gh upload action version in project template #4097 (By hedger)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.5.2 (By luu176)
- Updated: Lab401/Light MESSENGER v1.1 (By tixlegeek)
- Updated: VIN Decoder v0.2 (By evillero)
- Updated: StroboMeter v1.1 (By LeanderJDev)
- OFW: Ensure that furi_record_create is passed a non-NULL data pointer #4078 (By dcoles)
- OFW: Add new AC for Fujitsu ASTG12LVCC #4095 (By KereruA0i)
- OFW: Infrared: Update TV universal #4080 (By jaylikesbunda) (Already In RM)
- OFW: Add the Showtime animation #4100 (By Astrrra) (Not In Main Build) Patreon Build Update: Dolphin, Stock and AnimSwitcher Builds Updated To Include New Showtime Animation
- Updated: Cigarette v0.1.2 (By fuckmaz)
- Updated: Sub-GHz Scheduler v2.2 (By shalebridge)
- OFW: Infrared: increase max carrier limit #4070 (By skotopes) (Already In RM)
- OFW: ST25TB poller mode check #4084 (By RebornedBrain) (Already In RM)
- OFW: nfc: Enable MFUL sync poller to be provided with passwords #4050 (By GMMan)
- OFW: Added naming for DESFire cards + fix MF3ICD40 cards unable to be read #4058 (By Demae)
- Menu Styles C64, DSi, PS4, Terminal and Vertical have been retired to make space for better main functionality and NFC (By RogueMaster)
- OFW: EM4305 support #4069 (By Astrrra)
- Updated: ID Card v3.0 (By evillero)
- Updated: Lab401/Light MESSENGER v1.1 (By tixlegeek) Fixed View Dispatcher Error (By jamisonderek)
- Updated: Portal of Flipper v1.0 (By bettse)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.6 (By luu176)
- Updated: NFC Keyboard v1.0 (By Patrick762)
- Added: Ford Radio Codes v0.1 (By DavidB445)
- Added: Pet Your Dolphin v0.1 (By dwight9339)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043 #4075
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), Android, ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, GTA, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0207-2256-0.420.0-60a6c2e
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-02-07 22:56 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-02-07 22:56 EST
- Updated: Pinball0 v0.5.2 (By rdefeo)
- Added: NFC Keyboard v1.0 (By Patrick762)
- Updated: Key Copier v1.1 (By zinongli)
- Updated: Quac! v0.7.2 (By rdefeo) (Version Only)
- Added: Longwave Clock v0.1 (By m7i-org)
- Added: GPIO Explorer v1.0 (By EvgeniGenchev07)
- Updated: Cross Remote v3.1 (By leedave) Use firmware IR settings, No ext IR if using ext CC1101 & Make app dir on open (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: StroboMeter v1.1 (By LeanderJDev)
- Added: 401/Light MESSENGER v0.12 (By tixlegeek)
- Added: Portal of Flipper v0.1 (By bettse)
- Added: DeadZone v0.1 (By retrooper)
- Updated: DeadZone v0.1 (By retrooper)
- Updated: Cigarette v0.1.2 (By fuckmaz)
- Updated: Sub-GHz Scheduler v2.1 (By shalebridge)
- JS: support for flipper.firmwareVendor property (By derekjamison)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.5.2 (By luu176) Suica Expanded (By ziongli)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), Android, ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, GTA, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0201-1705-0.420.0-59c7540
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-02-01 17:05 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-02-01 17:05 EST
- IR: Easy Learn & Learn RAW toggles in Learn screen (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: FlipWorld v0.4 (By jblanked)
- Updated: PicoPass (iClass) v1.18 (By Bettse)
- Updated: Lightmeter v1.3 (By oleksiikutuzov)
- Updated: Furious Birds v1.0 (By bmstr-ru)
- Added: Cigarette v0.1.2 (By fuckmaz)
- Updated: Game of Life v1.3 (By Mad-MO)
- Updated: Orgasmotron v1.1 (By leedave)
- Updated: NFC E-Ink Tags v1.0.4 (By RebornedBrain)
- Updated: Ghost ESP v1.2.2 (By jaylikesbunda & Spooks4576)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.4.11 (By luu176)
- Added: Air Level v1.0 (By jamisonderek)
Req: Video Game Module By Flipper Devices
- Updated: Drifter v0.1 (By jean-edouard)
- Added: Sub-GHz Scheduler v1.0 (By shalebridge)
- Updated: ESP32 Camera Suite v1.8 (By CodyTolene)
- Updated: FlipWorld v0.5 (By jblanked)
- Updated: SPI Terminal v0.2 (By janwiesemann)
- Added: StroboMeter v1.0 (By LeanderJDev)
- Added: T-Union Master (China) v0.1 (By SocialSisterYi)
- OFW: PR: NFC: Parser for Disney Infinity #4087 (By bettse)
- OFW: PR: ST25TB poller mode check #4084 (By RebornedBrain)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), Android, ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, GTA, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0122-1755-0.420.0-8971cf2
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-01-22 17:55 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-01-22 17:55 EST
- Updated: FlipWifi v1.3.2 (By jblanked)
- Added: ASCII Table v1.0 (By x10102)
- Added: NFC Comparator v1.0 (By acegoal07)
- Updated: Web Crawler v1.0.1 (By jblanked)
- Updated: NFC/RFID Detector v1.4 (By Skorpionm) Duped to be in NFC and RFID app folders (By RogueMaster)
- OFW: Infrared: increase max carrier limit #4070 (By skotopes)
- Updated: PicoPass (iClass) v1.18 (By Bettse)
- Bump API 79.2 for OFW 1.2.0-rc
- Updated: Key Copier v1.1 (By zinongli)
- Updated: Quadrastic v1.0.2 (By ivanbarsukov)
- Updated: PicoPass (iClass) v1.18 (By Bettse)
- Updated: uPython v1.7 (By ofabel)
- Added: XBox360 USB Game Controller v0.1 (By expected-ingot)
- OFW: PR: NFC: FeliCa Protocol Expose Read Block API and Allow Specifying Service #4074 (By zinongli)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.4.9 (By luu176) Suica Widget with raw block readings (By zinongli)
- Infrared: IR Easy Learn (By jaylikesbunda)
- Added: Drifter v0.1 (By jean-edouard)
- Game Mode menu default games list updated to include Drifter v0.1 (By jean-edouard)
- Updated: Nightstand Clock v1.2 (By nymda) Show battery percentage and show AM/PM in timer mode (By 956MB)
- Updated: NFC Maker v1.3 (by Willy-JL)
- Updated: XBox360 USB Game Controller v0.2 (By expected-ingot) USB Game Controller: Restore prev profile (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: Ghost ESP v1.2 (By jaylikesbunda & Spooks4576)
- Patreon Build Update: Android Build (By evillero) added & included with Manifest Switcher build.
- Patreon Build Update: GTA Build (By evillero) added & included with Manifest Switcher build.
- Passport updated to include 4 new passport images (By RogueMaster) Android & GTAV image assets (By evillero)
- Updated: SD Card Assets
- Updated: IR: Update universals for audio, blueray & tv (By jaylikesbunda) With Script Updates & Fixes (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: FM Radio v1.1.1 (By coolshrimp) Fix icon, use API buttons (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: IR Easy Learn (By jaylikesbunda & Willy-JL)
- Infrared: Apps Update to use new settings loading (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: NFC Comparator v1.2 (By acegoal07)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0115-1650-0.420.0-bf963e6
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-01-15 16:50 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-01-15 16:50 EST
- Updated: Cross Remote v3.0 (By leedave)
- Added: FlipRPI v1.0 (By jblanked)
Req: ESP32S2
with FliperHTTP Firmware - OFW: nfc: Fix MFUL PWD_AUTH command creation #4051 (By GMMan)
- OFW: u2f: Fix leaking message digest contexts #4052 (By GMMan)
- Updated: Resistance Calculator v1.4 (By instantiator) This version shows friendly resistance values, supports Pink color bands, and adds three missing Temp Coefficients (+-1, +-20, +-250) (By shalebridge)
- Updated: PicoPass (iClass) v1.18 (By Bettse)
- Updated: MTP WIP v1.0 (By Alex4386)
- Updated: Pokemon Trading v2.3 (By EstebanFuentealba & kbembedded)
- OFW: nfc: Fix MIFARE Plus detection #4049 (By GMMan)
- OFW: Rename to #4047 (By NotLukas001)
- Infrared: Update universal bluray remote (By jaylikesbunda)
- BadKB: Added german Mac keyboard Layout (By Cloudy261)
- Added: Furious Birds v0.1 (By bmstr-ru)
- NFC: Fix issue with MFC key recovery state machine performing key reuse early (By noproto) (From Xero FW)
- Game Mode menu default games list updated to include the latest Games (By RogueMaster)
- Added: Roman Decoder v0.1 (By evillero)
- Updated: Furious Birds v1.0 (By bmstr-ru)
- Updated: Resistance Calculator v1.4 (By instantiator) Updates (By shalebridge)
- Updated: FlipWifi v1.3.1 (By jblanked)
- Updated: FlipSocial v1.0.3 (By jblanked)
- Updated: Web Crawler v1.0 (By jblanked)
- Updated: Flipper Doctor v0.1 (By julandealb)
- Updated: Bad USB JS Demo (By jamisonDerek)
- Updated: FlipWorld v0.3 (By jblanked)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.4.8 (By luu176)
- Updated: FlipperZero Clock v1.3 (By mdaskalov)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, Pwnagotchi, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0108-2220-0.420.0-4d74a1b
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2025-01-08 22:20 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2025-01-08 22:20 EST
- Updated: Count Down Timer v1.5 (By 0w0mewo)
- Updated: Oscilloscope v0.4 (By anfractuosity)
- Updated: Ghost ESP v1.1.9 (By jaylikesbunda & Spooks4576)
- Updated: Flippy Road v1.1 (By rkilpadi)
- New Patreon Build (for next release): Pwnagotchi (By pr3)
- Patreon Build Update: Manifest/Anim Switcher Build updated to include Pwnagotchi (By pr3)
- Updated: GB Printer v0.4 (By kbembedded)
- Updated: FlipStore v0.8 (By jblanked)
- Updated: FlipWorld v0.3 (By jblanked)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.4.6 (By luu176)
- Updated: Quadrastic v1.0.2 (By ivanbarsukov)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, CyberPunk77, DBZ, Dolphin, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM1230-2334-0.420.0-b4b7e5c
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2024-12-31 12:08 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2024-12-31 12:08 EST
- UL: Desktop: add input events sub check (By xMasterX)
- Updated: FlipSocial v1.0 (By jblanked)
- Hoping everyone has a wonderful holiday season! Thank you to all our supporters and our community that keeps on making the Flipper Zero better!
- Added: FMatrix v0.2 (By misterwaztaken)
- Updated: FlipSocial v1.0.1 (By jblanked)
- Updated: Temp Sensors Reader 1.7 (By quen0n)
- Updated: FlipWifi v1.3 (By jblanked)
- Updated: FMatrix v0.3 (By misterwaztaken)
- Added: VIN Decoder v0.1 (By evillero)
- Internal Cleanup from Other FW (By RogueMaster)
- Updated: FlipSocial v1.0.2 (By jblanked)
- Updated: Oscilloscope v0.4 (By anfractuosity)
- Added: Quadrastic v1.0 (By ivanbarsukov)
- Updated: Metroflip v0.4 (By luu176)
- OFW TO ADD: Storage: remove LFS #3577 FuriEventLoop Pt.2 #3703 #3824 #3836 #3834 #3837 #3849 #3879 #3875 #3863 #3866 #3865 #3887 #3892 #3909 #3881 #3942 #3841 #3950 #3952 #3958 #3963 #3971 #3961 #3906 #3978 #3980 #3979 #4040 #3996 #4043