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A comprehensive development environment for Apache Polaris featuring LocalStack integration on k3s. This kit automates the setup of a complete Polaris environment with S3-compatible storage, authentication, and role-based access control.


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Apache Polaris(Incubating) Starter Kit with LocalStack on k3s

Build Polaris Admin Tool PostgreSQL Build PolarisServer with PostgreSQL k3d Docker Desktop Apache Polaris LocalStack

This starter kit provides a complete development environment for Apache Polaris with LocalStack integration running on k3s Kubernetes. It includes automated setup of PostgreSQL metastore, S3 integration via LocalStack, and all necessary configurations for immediate development use. The kit uses Kustomize for Kubernetes deployments and provides utilities for secure key generation and credential management.

Key features:

  • Automated k3s cluster setup with k3d
  • Integrated LocalStack for AWS S3 emulation
  • PostgreSQL metastore configuration
  • Ansible Playbooks for setup and configuration


Important Ensure the tools are downloaded and on your path before proceeding further with this tutorial.

Get the Sources

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd polaris-local-forge

Set up environment variables:

export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/.kube/config"
export K3D_CLUSTER_NAME=polaris-local-forge
export K3S_VERSION=v1.32.1-k3s1
export FEATURES_DIR="$PWD/k8s"

Going forward we will refer to the cloned sources folder as $PROJECT_HOME.

Python Environment Setup

Install the uv tool:

# Using pip
pip install uv

# Or using curl (Unix-like systems)
curl -LsSf | sh

Set up Python environment:

# Pin python version
uv python pin 3.12
# Install and set up Python environment
uv venv
# On Unix-like systems
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install deps/packages
uv sync

Tip Use tools like direnv to make it easy setting environment variables

DNSmasq (Optional)

For seamless access of services with the local k3s cluster and host, we might need to add entries in /etc/hosts of the host. But using dnsmasq is a much cleaner and neater way.

Assuming you have dnsmasq installed, here is what is needed to set that up on macOS:

echo "address=/.localstack/" >> $(brew --prefix)/etc/dnsmasq.conf
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/resolver/localstack

Directory Structure

The project has the following directories and files:

├── Taskfile.yml
├── bin
│   ├──
│   └──
├── config
│   └── cluster-config.yaml
├── k8s
│   ├── features
│   │   ├── adminer.yml
│   │   └── localstack.yml
│   └── polaris
│       ├── bootstrap.yaml
│       ├── deployment.yaml
│       ├── kustomization.yaml
│       ├── purge.yaml
│       ├── rbac.yaml
│       ├── sa.yaml
│       └── service.yaml
├── notebooks
│   └── verify_setup.ipynb
├── polaris-forge-setup
│   ├── ansible.cfg
│   ├── catalog_setup.yml
│   ├── defaults
│   │   └── main.yml
│   ├── inventory
│   │   └── hosts
│   ├── preapare.yml
│   └── templates
│       ├── bootstrap-credentials.env.j2
│       ├── persistence.xml.j2
│       ├── polaris.env.j2
│       └── postgresql.yml.j2
├── pyproject.toml
├── uv.lock
└── work

To ensure reuse and for security, files with passwords are not added to git. Currently, the following files are ignored or not available out of the box (they will be generated in upcoming steps):

  • k8s/features/postgresql.yml
  • k8s/polaris/persistence.xml
  • k8s/polaris/.bootstrap-credentials
  • k8s/polaris/.polaris.env
  • All RSA KeyPairs

Prepare for Deployment

The following script will generate the required sensitive files from templates using Ansible:

ansible-playbook $PROJECT_HOME/polaris-forge-setup/prepare.yml

Create the Cluster

Run the cluster setup script:


Once the cluster is started, wait for the deployments to be ready:

ansible-playbook  $PROJECT_HOME/polaris-forge-setup/cluster_checks.yml --tags=bootstrap

The cluster will deploy localstack and postgresql. You can verify them as shown:


To verify the deployments:

kubectl get pods,svc -n polaris

Expected output:

pod/postgresql-0   1/1     Running   0          76m

NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/postgresql      ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP   76m
service/postgresql-hl   ClusterIP   None           <none>        5432/TCP   76m
kubectl get pods,svc -n localstack

Expected output:

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/localstack-86b7f56d7f-hs6vq   1/1     Running   0          76m

NAME                 TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
service/localstack   NodePort   <none>        4566:31566/TCP,...  76m

Deploy Polaris

Container Images

Currently, Apache Polaris does not publish any official images. The Apache Polaris images used by the repo are available at:

docker pull
docker pull

The images are built with PostgreSQL as database dependency.


The project also has scripts to build them from sources locally.

Run the following command to build Apache Polaris images and push them into the local registry k3d-registry.localhost:5000. Update the IMAGE_REGISTRY env in Taskfile and then run:

task images

When you build locally, please make sure to update the k8s/polaris/deployment.yaml, k8s/polaris/bootstrap.yaml, and k8s/polaris/purge.yaml with correct images.

Apply Manifests

kubectl apply -k $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/polaris

Ensure all deployments and jobs have succeeded:

ansible-playbook  $PROJECT_HOME/polaris-forge-setup/cluster_checks.yml --tags polaris

Purge and Bootstrap

Whenever there is a need to clean and do bootstrap again, run the following sequence of commands:

kubectl patch job polaris-purge -p '{"spec":{"suspend":false}}'

Wait for purge to complete:

kubectl logs -f -n polaris jobs/polaris-purge

Scale down bootstrap and then scale it up:

kubectl delete -k k8s/polaris/job
kubectl apply -k k8s/polaris/job

Wait for bootstrap to complete successfully:

kubectl logs -f -n polaris jobs/polaris-bootstrap

A successful bootstrap will have the following text in the log:

Realm 'POLARIS' successfully bootstrapped.
Bootstrap completed successfully.

Checking for pods and services in the polaris namespace should display:

NAME                           READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/polaris-694ddbb476-m2trm   1/1     Running     0          13m
pod/polaris-bootstrap-tpkh4    0/1     Completed   0          13m
pod/postgresql-0               1/1     Running     0          100m

NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP             PORT(S)          AGE
service/polaris         LoadBalancer,   8181:32181/TCP   13m
service/postgresql      ClusterIP   <none>                  5432/TCP         100m
service/postgresql-hl   ClusterIP      None           <none>                  5432/TCP         100m

Available Services

Service URL Default Credentials
Polaris UI http://localhost:18181 $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/polaris/.bootstrap-credentials.env
Adminer http://localhost:18080 PostgreSQL host will be: postgresql.polaris, check $FEATURES_DIR/postgresql.yaml for credentials
LocalStack http://localhost:14566 Use test/test for AWS credentials with Endpoint URL as http://localhost:14566

Setup Demo Catalog

The Polaris server does not yet have any catalogs. Run the following script to set up your first catalog, principal, principal role, catalog role, and grants.

Next, we will do the following:

  • Create s3 bucket named polardb
  • Create Catalog named polardb
  • Create Principal super_user with Principal Role admin
  • Create Catalog Role sudo, assign the role to Principal Role admin
  • Finally, grant the Catalog Role sudo to manage catalog via CATALOG_MANAGE_CONTENT role. This will make the principals with role super_user able to manage the catalog.

Setup the environment variables,

# just avoid colliding with existing AWS profiles
export AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=http://localstack.localstack:4566
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
ansible-playbook $PROJECT_HOME/polaris-forge-setup/catalog_setup.yml

Verify Setup

Generate the Juypter notebook to verify the setup,

ansible-playbook $PROJECT_HOME/polaris-forge-setup/catalog_setup.yml --tags=verify

Run the $PROJECT_HOME/notebooks/verify_setup.ipynb to make sure you are able to create the namespace, table, and insert some data.

To double-check if we have all our iceberg files created and committed, open You should see something as shown in the screenshots below:


Important Default Instance URL is updated as shown

Catalog Catalog Metadata Catalog Data

Your local Apache Polaris environment is ready for use. Please explore it further using or connect it with other query engines/tools like Apache Spark, Trino, Risingwave, etc.


Checking Component Logs

You can use kubectl logs to inspect the logs of various components:

Polaris Server

# Check Polaris server logs
kubectl logs -f -n polaris deployment/polaris

Bootstrap and Purge Jobs

# Check bootstrap job logs
kubectl logs -f -n polaris jobs/polaris-bootstrap

# Check purge job logs
kubectl logs -f -n polaris jobs/polaris-purge


# Check PostgreSQL logs
kubectl logs -f -n polaris statefulset/postgresql


# Check LocalStack logs
kubectl logs -f -n localstack deployment/localstack

Common Issues

  1. If Polaris server fails to start:

    # Check events in the namespace
    kubectl get events -n polaris --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'
    # Check Polaris pod status
    kubectl describe pod -n polaris -l app=polaris
  2. If LocalStack isn't accessible:

    # Check LocalStack service
    kubectl get svc -n localstack
    # Verify LocalStack endpoints
    kubectl exec -it -n localstack deployment/localstack -- aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 ls
  3. If PostgreSQL connection fails:

    # Check PostgreSQL service
    kubectl get svc -n polaris postgresql-hl
    # Verify PostgreSQL connectivity
    kubectl exec -it -n polaris postgresql-0 -- pg_isready -h localhost


Cleanup the Polaris resources:

ansible-playbook $PROJECT_HOME/polaris-forge-setup/catalog_cleanup.yml

Delete the whole cluster:


Related Projects and Tools

Core Components

  • Apache Polaris - Data Catalog and Governance Platform
  • PyIceberg - Python library to interact with Apache Iceberg
  • LocalStack - AWS Cloud Service Emulator
  • k3d - k3s in Docker
  • k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution

Development Tools

  • Docker - Container Platform
  • Kubernetes - Container Orchestration
  • Helm - Kubernetes Package Manager
  • kubectl - Kubernetes CLI
  • uv - Python Packaging Tool



This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


A comprehensive development environment for Apache Polaris featuring LocalStack integration on k3s. This kit automates the setup of a complete Polaris environment with S3-compatible storage, authentication, and role-based access control.








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