This repository contains supplementary material and the code to reproduce the tables and figures presented in
J. O. Lübsen, A. Eichler, "An Anlysis of Safety Guarantees in Multi-Task Bayesian Optimization"
To run the proposed SaMSBO algorithm, the user can use the '' file. To run the safe UCB algorithm for comparison, the user can use the '' file. Additionally, there is a Jupyter notebook 'visualized_example.ipynb' which shows the optimization of a one-dimensional example. This can be run to visually follow the optimization procedure.
The data used for plots to generate the figures in the manuscript are in the data folder. The user can use the 'generate_plots.ipynb' notebook to recreate the figures in the 'plot_scripts' folder.
To run the code install python3.12.8 and the dependencies specified in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
The code in this repository was tested in the following environment:
- *Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
- *Python 3.12.8