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PackageDescription API Version 3

Table of Contents

Target Format Reference

Source Layouts

The targets that swift build creates are determined from the filesystem layout of your source files.

For example, if you create a directory with the following layout:


This defines a single target, named after the package name from Package.swift.

To create multiple targets, create multiple subdirectories:


This defines two targets: Foo and Bar.

To generate an executable target (instead of a library target), add a main.swift file to that target’s directory:


Running swift build will now produce an executable output file: example/.build/debug/Foo.

The C language targets are laid out in a similar format. For e.g. a library Baz can be created with following layout:


The public headers for this library go in the directory include.

Similarly, an executable C language target Baz looks like this:


Note: It is possible to have C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ sources as part of a C language target. Swift targets can import C language targets but not vice versa.

Read more on C language targets here.

Test Target Layouts

The package manager supports laying out test sources following a similar convention as primary sources:


This defines a FooTests test target. By convention, when there is a target Foo and a matching test target FooTests, the package manager will establish an implicit dependency between the test target and the target it assumes it is trying to test.

On Linux, the XCTest testing framework does not support dynamic discovery of tests. Instead, packages which are intended for use on Linux should include an:


file which imports all of the individual test targets in the package, and then invokes XCTest.XCTMain passing it the list of all tests.

Other Rules

  • Tests or any other subdirectory can be excluded via Manifest file.
  • Subdirectories of a directory named Sources, Source, srcs or src in the root directory become target.
  • It is acceptable to have no Sources directory, in which case the root directory is treated as a single target (place your sources there) or sub directories of the root are considered targets. Use this layout convention for simple projects.

Package Manifest File Format Reference

Instructions for how to build a package are provided by the Package.swift manifest file. Package.swift is a Swift file defining a single Package object. This object is configured via the APIs defined in the PackageDescription Swift target supplied with the Swift Package Manager.

Package Declaration

Every Package.swift file should follow the following format:

import PackageDescription

/// The package description.
let package = Package(/* ... */)

// ... subsequent package configuration APIs can be used here to further
// configure the package ...

Conceptually, the description defined by the Package.swift file is combined with the information on the package derived from the filesystem conventions described previously.


    name: String,
    pkgConfig: String? = nil,
    providers: [SystemPackageProvider]? = nil,
    targets: [Target] = [],
    dependencies: [Package.Dependency] = [],
    swiftLanguageVersions: [Int]? = nil,
    exclude: [String] = []

- name: The name of the package.
- pkgConfig: Name of the pkg-config (.pc) file to get the additional flags for system modules.
- providers: Defines hints to display for installing system modules.
- targets: Additional information on each target.
- dependencies: Declare dependencies on external packages.
- swiftLanguageVersions: Specifies the set of supported Swift language versions.
- exclude: Exclude files and directories from package sources.

Creates a new package instance. There should only be one package declared per manifest. The parameters here supply the package description and are documented in further detail below.


import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "FooBar"

This is the minimal requirement for a manifest to be valid. When the sources are located directly under Sources/ directory, there is only one target and the target name will be the same as the package name.


This property should only be used for System Module Packages. It defines the name of the pkg-config (.pc) file that should be searched and read to get the additional flags like include search path, linker search path, system libraries to link etc.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "CGtk3",
    pkgConfig: "gtk+-3.0"

Here gtk+-3.0.pc will be searched in standard locations for the current system. Users can provide their own paths for location of pc files using the environment variable, PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which will be searched before the standard locations.

NOTE: This feature does not require pkg-config to be installed. However, if installed it will used to find additional platform specific pc file locations which might be unknown to SwiftPM.


This property should only be used for system module packages. It can be used to provide hints for other users to install a System Module using a system package manager like homebrew, apt-get etc.

NOTE: SwiftPM will never execute the command and only suggest the users to run it.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "CGtk3",
    pkgConfig: "gtk+-3.0",
    providers: [

In this case if SwiftPM determines that GTK 3 package is not installed, it will output an appropriate hint depending on which platform the user is on i.e. macOS, Ubuntu, etc.


The targets property is required when you have more than one target in your package and need to declare a dependency between them.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Hello",
    targets: [
        Target(name: "Bar", dependencies: ["Foo"]),

The name identifies which target, the information is being associated with, and the list of dependencies specifies the names of other targets in the same package which must be built before that target. In the example here, Foo and Bar are targets present under Sources/ directory, and a dependency is being establish on Foo from Bar. This will cause the Foo target to be built before Bar target so that it can be imported:

NOTE: It is also possible to declare target dependencies between a test and regular target.


This is the list of packages that the current package depends on and information about the required versions. You can specify a URL (or local path) to any valid Swift package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Example",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "ssh://", versions: Version(1,0,0)..<Version(2,0,0)),
        .Package(url: "../StringExtensions", "1.0.0"),
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 4),

This is a list of Package.Dependency instances, see Package Dependency for available options.


This property is used to specify the set of supported Swift language versions.

The package manager will select the Swift language version that is most close to (but not exceeding) the major version of the Swift compiler in use. It is an error if a package does not support any version compatible with the current compiler. For e.g. if Swift language version is set to [3], both Swift 3 and 4 compilers will select '3', and if Swift language version is set to [3, 4], Swift 3 compiler will select '3' and Swift 4 compiler will select '4'.

If a package does not specify any Swift language versions, the language version to be used will match the major version of the package's Swift tools version. For e.g.: A Swift tools version with a major version of '3' will imply a default Swift language version of '3', and a Swift tools version with a major version of '4' will imply a default Swift language version of '4'.


Use this property to exclude files and directories from the package sources.

Every item specifies a relative path from the root of the package.

let package = Package(
    name: "Foo",
    exclude: ["Sources/Fixtures", "Sources/", "Tests/FooTests/images"]

This is helpful when you want to place files like resources or fixtures that should not be considered by the convention system as possible sources.

Package Dependency

A Package.Dependency represents the location and and required version information of an external dependency. The version range controls what versions of a package dependency are expected to work with the current package. When the package manager is fetching the complete set of packages required to build a package, it considers all of the version range specifications from all of the packages in order to select appropriate versions.

.Package(url: String, versions: Range<Version>)

- url: URL or local path to a Package.
- versions: The range of versions which are required.

.Package(url: String, versions: ClosedRange<Version>)

- url: URL or local path to a Package.
- versions: The closed range of versions which are required.

.Package(url: String, majorVersion: Int)

- url: URL or local path to a Package.
- majorVersion: The major version which is required.

This is a short-hand form for specifying a range including all versions of a major version, and is the recommended way for specifying a dependency following the semantic versioning standard.

.Package(url: String, majorVersion: Int, minor: Int)

- url: URL or local path to a Package.
- majorVersion: Major version to consider.
- minor: Minor version to consider.

As for the prior API, this is a short-hand form for specifying a range that inclues all versions of a major and minor version.

.Package(url: String, _ version: Version)

- url: URL or local path to a Package.
- version: The exact Version which is required.


A struct representing a semantic version.

	_ major: Int,
	_ minor: Int,
	_ patch: Int,
	prereleaseIdentifiers: [String] = [],
	buildMetadataIdentifier: String? = nil

- major: The major version, incremented when you make incompatible API changes.
- minor: The minor version, incremented when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner.
- patch: The patch version, incremented when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
- prereleaseIdentifiers: Used to denote a pre-released version for eg: alpha, beta, etc.
- buildMetadataIdentifier: Optional build meta data for eg: timestamp, hash, etc.

A Version struct can be initialized using a string literal in following format:


where prereleaseIdentifiers and buildMetadata are optional.
NOTE: prereleaseIdentifiers are separated by dot (.).

Customizing Builds

Using Swift as the format for the manifest allows for powerful customization, for example:

import PackageDescription

var package = Package(name: "Example")

#if os(Linux)
let target = Target(name: "LinuxSources/foo")