81 commits
to master
since this release
- gha-runner-scale-set-controller controller image
- gha-runner-scale-set-controller helm chart
- gha-runner-scale-set helm chart
⚠️ Warning
- This release contains CRD changes. During the upgrade, please remove the old CRDs before re-installing the new version. For more information, please read the Upgrading ARC.
- This release contains changes in the default docker socket path expanded for container mode
. - Older version of the listener (
) is deprecated and will be removed in the future0.10.0
Please evaluate these changes carefully before upgrading.
Major changes
- Change docker socket path to /var/run/docker.sock #3337
- Update metrics to include repository on job-based label #3310
- Bump Go version to 1.22.1 #3290
- Propagate runner scale set name annotation to EphemeralRunner #3098
- Add annotation with values hash to re-create listener #3195
- Fix overscaling when the controller is much faster then the listener #3371
- Add retry on 401 and 403 for runner-registration #3377