Batch downloader for Download hdris, textures and models in any sizes you want. This project uses Poly Haven's Public API.
pip install polydown
$ polydown hdris
# download all available sizes of all hdris into current folder.
> π(['all sizes'])=>π
$ polydown <asset_type>
# download all assets of this asset type to the current folder in all available sizes.
# asset types: "hdris", "textures", "models".
$ polydown textures -c
# list of category in the given asset type.
$ polydown hdris -f hdris_down -s 2k 4k
# download all hdris with given sizes into "hdris_down" folder.
# /if there is no such folder it will create it./
> π(['2k', '4k'])=>π (hdris_down)
$ polydown models -c decorative -f folder -s 1k
# download all "models" with "1k textures" in the "decorative" category into the "folder".
<asset_type> "hdris, textures, models"
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --folder target download folder.
-c, --category category to download.
-s, --sizes size(s) of downloaded asset files. eg: 1k 2k 4k
-o, --overwrite overwrite if the files already exists. otherwise the current task will be skipped.
-no, --noimgs do not download 'preview, render, thumbnail...' images.
-it, --iters amount of iterations.
-t, --tone Download 8K Tonemapped JPG (only HDRIs).
-ff, --fileformat file format for hdris (hdr, exr).
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
- Unit Tests
- Progressbar for current download task(s)
- Select the file format to download
- Download a specific asset, "polydown hdris stuttgart_suburbs"
- Python>3.7