Releases: aws/amazon-neptune-for-graphql
Releases · aws/amazon-neptune-for-graphql
This is the prerelease version with new support for Apollo Server integration.
What's Changed
- Increase graphdb.js test coverage using sample data by @andreachild in #53
- Save the neptune schema to file early so that it can be used for troubleshooting by @andreachild in #56
- Alias edges with same label as a node by @andreachild in #57
- Cap concurrent requests to get Neptune schema by @danielfinke in #58
- Honour
directive on type fields by @danielfinke in #60 - Don't cast integers to floats in Neptune schema by @danielfinke in #62
- Fix query from AppSync with an empty filter object by @danielfinke in #61
- Retain numeric parameter value type when creating open cypher query by @andreachild in #63
- Change lambda template to use ECMAScripts modules by @andreachild in #68
- Support output of zip package of Apollo Server artifacts by @andreachild in #70
- Add template file missing from packaging by @andreachild in #71
- Add apollo template to packaging by @andreachild in #72
- Added identifier and timestamp to apollo zip file output documentation. by @andreachild in #73
- Added apollo args to help menu and fixed bug with ID argument type conversion by @andreachild in #74
- Add apollo description to help output. by @andreachild in #75
- Apollo zip from input schema file by @andreachild in #76
New Contributors
- @danielfinke made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0-beta.1
This is a patch release to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
What's Changed
- Bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 by @dependabot in #49
- Bump version for patch release. by @andreachild in #52
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
This release includes added support for integration with Neptune Analytics, improved logging and introduction of file logging, improvements in performance, along with a series of bug fixes and dependency upgrades.
Major Changes
- Integration with Neptune Analytics by @andreachild in #31
- Increased logging to console and introduced file logging by @andreachild in #32
Bug Fixes and Minor Changes
- Bump axios from 1.4.0 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #12
- Bump axios from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 in /templates/Lambda4AppSyncHTTP by @dependabot in #13
- Bump axios from 1.6.0 to 1.7.4 by @dependabot in #22
- Remove neptune endpoints from test cases by @andreachild in #24
- Update getEdgesDirections queries by @Cole-Greer in #16
- Add CodeQL action for static code analysis by @andreachild in #28
- Change integration tests to use injected environment variables by @andreachild in #27
- Fix for typos by @andreachild in #30
- Change neptune queries to use parameters by @andreachild in #29
- Fix CDK deployment by @andreachild in #34
- Configure pino to create the log file directory if it does not exist. by @andreachild in #35
- Fix http gremlin queries resulting in bad request by @andreachild in #37
- Fix Special Characters in Schema by @andreachild in #41
- Changed retrieval of neptune graph summary to use axios http request by @andreachild in #38
- Fix for file logging errors in windows environments by @andreachild in #40
- Upgrade archiver to latest version to resolve installation warnings a… by @andreachild in #42
- Updated docs to reference support for neptune analytics and clarified CDK documentation by @andreachild in #45
- Updated lambda versions to 1.1.0. by @andreachild in #46
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #12
- @andreachild made their first contribution in #24
- @Cole-Greer made their first contribution in #16
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
First public release
v1.0.1 Pre-release housekeeping