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A web application that helps to check if all parts of Lego sets are present


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A web application that helps to check if all parts of a LEGO set are present.



The frontend is configurable with the env.js file.


The contents of this file are available in window.env in the browser, so don't store any confidential information in there.

Name Type Description
apiBaseUrl string Base URL of the BrickInv API, e.g. or http://localhost:4003
clerkPublishableKey string Publishable key of the Clerk application
sentryDsn string? DSN (Data Source Name) of the Sentry project. If omitted, telemetry is disabled


The backend is configurable with everything supported by ASP.NET. For development, the .NET user secret manager is recommended, for production a .env file.

Name Type Description
Authentication:ClerkSecretKey string Secret key of the Clerk application
Authentication:Authority string Instance URL of the Clerk application
Authentication:AppBaseUrl string Base URL of the BrickInv App, e.g. or http://localhost:4004
ConnectionStrings:Db string Connection string for main database, e.g. Server=localhost;Port=4001;User=root;Password=brickinv;Database=brickinv
ConnectionStrings:Redis string Connection string for Redis cache, e.g. localhost:4002
Rebrickable:ApiKey string API key for Rebrickable, used for retrieving information about Lego sets
Telemetry:SentryDsn string? DSN (Data Source Name) of the Sentry project. If omitted, telemetry is disabled



  • dotnet-sdk@8
  • node@22
  • pnpm
  • docker


Install frontend dependencies:

# working directory: src/frontend
pnpm install

Install backend dependencies:

# working directory: src/backend/Bennetr.BrickInv.Api
dotnet restore

Creating migrations

If any changes where made to the database models, a migration script needs to be created. The migration only needs to be created for the context that holds the changed models.

# working directory: src/backend/Bennetr.BrickInv.Api
dotnet ef migrations add {{NAME}} -c BrickInvContext -o ./Migrations/BrickInv

Run development server against local API

Start database and cache:

# working directory: repository root
docker run -d \
  --name brickinv-dev-mariadb \
  --publish 4001:3306 \
  --env 'MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=brickinv' \
  --volume brickinv-mariadb-dev:/var/lib/mysql \
  --volume ./setup.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup.sql \

docker run -d \
  --name brickinv-dev-redis \
  --publish 4002:6379 \

To configure the backend, use the .NET User Secret Manager with the options from the Configuration section.

Before starting the backend, you need to run the database migration scripts:

# working directory: src/backend/Bennetr.BrickInv.Api
dotnet ef database update --context BrickInvContext

Then, start the backend:

# working directory: src/backend/Bennetr.BrickInv.Api
dotnet run --launch-profile http

The backend is exposed at http://localhost:4003

To configure the frontend, copy src/frontend/public/env/env.template.js to src/frontend/public/env/env.local.js and replace the empty strings with your own values. The configuration fields are documented in the Configuration section.

To start the frontend, run:

# working directory: src/frontend
pnpm dev:local

To stop the database and cache containers and delete its data, run:

docker stop brickinv-dev-mariadb brickinv-dev-redis
docker rm -v brickinv-mariadb-dev brickinv-dev-redis

Run development server against development API

To configure the frontend, copy src/frontend/public/env/env.template.js to src/frontend/public/env/ and replace the empty strings with your own values. The configuration fields are documented in the Configuration section.

To start the frontend, run:

# working directory: src/frontend
pnpm dev:dev



Download the following files from the release branch:

  • docker-compose.yml
  • setup.sql
  • src/frontend/public/env/env.template.js as env.js
  • backend.env

Replace the container tags in the docker-compose.yml file with the latest version. Replace the empty strings in the env.js and backend.env files with your own values. The configuration fields are documented in the Configuration section.

Then start the containers by running:

docker compose up -d


All services are exposed into the reverse_proxy network. The frontend is available under brickinv-frontend-1:80, the backend under brickinv-backend-1:8080.

The application data is saved in the named volume brickinv_mariadb.

Database migration

After the installation and after updates with database model changes, the database migration scripts need to be executed to apply the changes to your database. These scripts are shipped with the container. You can execute them with the following command:

docker compose exec backend sh -c './brickinv-db-migration'