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Joseph Frazier edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 18 revisions

The .zuul.yml file lives in each project directory and contains per-project test settings.

The following fields are supported

ui (required)

Identifies the testing framework zuul will use when orchestrating the test harness. Currently supported values: qunit, mocha-tdd, mocha-qunit, mocha-bdd, tape, jasmine, jasmine2

ui: qunit
ui: mocha-tdd

browsers (required)

List of browsers to test in the cloud. Each entry starts with a - name field and must contain a version field and an optional platform field. If the platform field is omitted, a default platform will be selected.

A browser version can be a specific version number, the keyword latest, the keyword oldest, or (for Firefox and Chrome) one of the keywords beta or dev.

  - name: chrome
    version: latest
  - name: safari
    version: latest

Specific version of a browser on a specific platform

  - name: chrome
    version: 28
    platform: Windows XP

Range of versions of a browser

  - name: firefox
    version: 14..latest

Range of versions with negative start index

  - name: firefox
    version: -2..latest

This example would test the latest three stable versions of Firefox (latest - 2, latest - 1, latest).

Disjoint versions

  - name: firefox
    version: [19, 20]

Disjoint with ranges

  - name: firefox
    version: [19, 20, 23..latest]
  - name: chrome
    version: [-1..latest, beta]

Float version numbers

  - name: iPhone
    version: '8.0..latest'

Float version numbers should be quoted.

html (optional)

The html field allows you to inject custom html into the page. This is useful for testing app frameworks where you might want to specify some custom template logic. The html is inserted at the start of the body. See the emberjs example.

html: ./test/templates.html

scripts (optional)

A list of files or url to load into <script> tags on the page before tests run. This would be used to load jquery or other globals if your module and test code is not self contained.

  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - "app.js"

See the ember w/qunit example for sample tests which use scripts.

browserify (optional)

You can set any of the configuration elements in the list below, and they'll be passed to browserify.

  • plugin
  • external
  • ignore
  • exclude
  • transform
  • add
  • require

You can pass options to any of them, and you can use multiples as the configuration object is treated as an array!

  - plugin: proxyquire-universal
  - require: ./some-file.js
    expose: intimidate
    entry: true
  - external: ./some-module.js
  - transform: brfs
  - transform: jadeify

You can also configure what's passed as the opts to browserify(opts) by adding an item with the options property.

  - transform: coffeeify
  - options:
        - .js
        - .json
        - .coffee

Transform options can also be provided like so:

  - transform:
      name: reactify
      es6: true # option passed to reactify
  - transform: 6to5ify

server (optional)

This field can point to an optional shell command or javascript file to run as a testing support server. This is used to make testing with real ajax and websocket requests possible. Your command will be run with the ZUUL_PORT environment variable set to a port number you MUST use. If your server does not listen on this PORT then your test requests won't be able to reach it.

server: ./test/support/server.js

I recommend writing simple support servers using expressjs. However, any shell command will be run so servers in ruby, python, etc are also supported. $ZUUL_PORT can also be used as part of the arguments, enabling the use of command-line http servers:

# Assuming python is installed
server: "python -m SimpleHTTPServer $ZUUL_PORT"
# If http-server is available, e.g. npm install -g http-server
server: "http-server -p $ZUUL_PORT"

firefox_profile (optional)

Selenium (and Sauce Labs) support running Firefox instances with custom user profiles. This allows you to configure anything you can change in about:config programmatically for a test run. In zuul, you can set these options in .zuul.yml with a section under any Firefox browser entry. For instance:

  - name: firefox
    version: latest
      webgl.force-enabled: true

YAML values within the firefox_profile section will be transformed into a Firefox profile, zipped, and uploaded to the test worker.