A web application that calculates the distance between two addresses. The application consists of a FastAPI backend and a Next.js frontend.
- Calculate distance between two addresses
- View history of previous calculations
- Data persistence for search history
Before running this application, make sure you have Docker installed on your machine:
- Clone the repository:
git clone dennisgera/deliverydist
cd deliverydist
- Start the application using Docker Compose:
docker compose up
- Access the application:
- Frontend: http://localhost:3000
- Backend API: http://localhost:8000
To rebuild the containers after making changes:
docker compose up --build
To stop the application:
docker compose down
GET /api/v1/queries
- Get history of distance calculationsPOST /api/v1/queries
- Calculate distance between two addresses
If you want to develop the application locally, without using docker:
cd backend
poetry run app/db/db_management.py upgrade
cd ..
npm run install:all
npm run dev