Pixo is a Retro Styled Theme for CTFd which consists of numerous features like OLD CRT like flicker, Old school fonts and notification sound which gives the theme a 90s look.
Compatible with CTFd Version 3.3.0
Modified by f00001111
Compatible with CTFd Version 3.6.0
Translated by f00001111 in cn
Few Screenshots:
Open your Docker container's terminal then insert the following Command:
git clone https://github.com/hmrserver/CTFd-theme-pixo.git /opt/CTFd/CTFd/themes/pixo
Then Login as Admin and go to: Admin Panel > Config > Themes
and switch the Theme to pixo and Click on Update.
That's it! Now you are good to goo..
- User may edit the item, but can't replace My Theme Copyright & CTFd Copyright.
- User need confirmation with us before removing copyright mark (footer).