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Fourty Days Road Solutions

  • Kenya

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  1. action-download-artifact action-download-artifact Public

    Forked from dawidd6/action-download-artifact

    ⚙️ A GitHub Action to download an artifact associated with given workflow and commit or other criteria


  2. flutter-action flutter-action Public

    Forked from subosito/flutter-action

    Flutter environment for use in GitHub Actions. It works on Linux, Windows, and macOS.


  3. base64-to-file base64-to-file Public

    Forked from timheuer/base64-to-file

    Take a base64 string and decodes to a file for use in arguments in later actions.


  4. upload-google-play upload-google-play Public

    Forked from r0adkll/upload-google-play

    A GitHub action to upload an Android .apk or .aab file to the Google Play Console


  5. wait-on-check-action wait-on-check-action Public

    Forked from lewagon/wait-on-check-action

    This action can be used to halt any workflow until required checks for a given ref (e.g., in a sibling workflow) pass successfully.


  6. setup-node setup-node Public

    Forked from BuildJet/setup-node

    Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of node.js



Showing 6 of 6 repositories
  • wait-on-check-action Public Forked from lewagon/wait-on-check-action

    This action can be used to halt any workflow until required checks for a given ref (e.g., in a sibling workflow) pass successfully.

    fourtydays/wait-on-check-action’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 MIT 64 0 0 Updated Jun 27, 2023
  • setup-node Public Forked from BuildJet/setup-node

    Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of node.js

    fourtydays/setup-node’s past year of commit activity
    TypeScript 0 MIT 1,922 0 0 Updated May 25, 2023
  • upload-google-play Public Forked from r0adkll/upload-google-play

    A GitHub action to upload an Android .apk or .aab file to the Google Play Console

    fourtydays/upload-google-play’s past year of commit activity
    TypeScript 0 MIT 153 0 0 Updated Mar 7, 2023
  • base64-to-file Public Forked from timheuer/base64-to-file

    Take a base64 string and decodes to a file for use in arguments in later actions.

    fourtydays/base64-to-file’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 MIT 26 0 0 Updated Feb 15, 2023
  • flutter-action Public Forked from subosito/flutter-action

    Flutter environment for use in GitHub Actions. It works on Linux, Windows, and macOS.

    fourtydays/flutter-action’s past year of commit activity
    Shell 0 MIT 224 0 0 Updated Feb 14, 2023
  • action-download-artifact Public Forked from dawidd6/action-download-artifact

    ⚙️ A GitHub Action to download an artifact associated with given workflow and commit or other criteria

    fourtydays/action-download-artifact’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 MIT 221 0 0 Updated Feb 10, 2023

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