Kubernetes external storage provisioner for Dell Isilon
Based on the following: https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage https://github.com/codedellemc/goisilon
Instructions: In order to use this external provisioner, you can use the image pushed to docker hub "xphyr/k8s_isi_provisioner", or build it yourself.
To build this provisioner, ensure you have go, and glide installed. This code has been tested with Go 1.8 and higher. To build the software, run make.
The provisioner requires permissions if you are running it in OpenShift.
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:persistent-volume-provisioner system:serviceaccount:k8s-isi-provisioner:default
It also requires pemissions if you're running in pure Kubernetes:
kubectl create -f auth.yaml
To deploy the provisioner, run
oc create -f pod.yaml
Create a storage class using the class.yaml file
oc create -f class.yaml
Or in Kubernetes, run:
kubectl create -f pod.yaml
kubectl create -f class.yaml
Some versions of Isilon may require the use of NFSv3. In that case, run:
kubectl create -f class-with-mount-options.yaml
To create a persistent volume, create a pvc and add an annotation: volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: "k8s-isilon" This will enable the automatic creation of a persistent volume.
Tested against: https://www.emc.com/products-solutions/trial-software-download/isilon.htm
This provisioner has support for Isilon Storage Quotas, however they have not been tested due to not having a license.
Param | Description | Example |
ISI_SERVER | The DNS name (or IP address) of the Isilon to use | isilon.somedomain.com |
ISI_PATH | The root path for all exports to be created in | /ifs/ose_exports |
ISI_USER | The user to connect to the isilon as | admin |
ISI_PASS | Password for the user account | password |
ISI_GROUP | The default group to assign to the share | users |
ISI_QUOTA_ENABLE | Enable the use of quotas. Defaults to disabled. | FALSE or TRUE |
Thanks to the developers of the Kubernetes external storage provisioner code and the docs that are making this possible to do. Thanks to Dell EMC {code} for the great Isilon library.