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🗃️ YDB simple ORM

Minimal ORM library for YDB database designed for rapid development of serverless applications

Features ⭐

  • Lightweight and easy-to-use methods for managing YDB databases
  • Supports data models with automatic migrations and schema synchronization
  • Compatible with the Fastify web server framework

Installation 📦

To install the library, run:

npm install ydb-orm

Or using yarn:

yarn add ydb-orm

Usage 📚

  • As a Library

You can use the YDB ORM in your Node.js application as follows:

const { Ydb } = require('ydb-orm');

const db = Ydb.init({
  endpoint: process.env.YDB_ENDPOINT,
  database: process.env.YDB_DATABASE,

  // optional: authentication method
  credential, // service account credential
  token, // cloud IAM token
  meta, // metadata service (e.g., from Lambda)

  // optional: list of YdbModels to load
  models: [
  timeout: 2000,

Ydb.db; // singleton instance of database
  • As a Fastify web server plugin

You can also register the YDB ORM as a plugin in your Fastify application:

Install fastify plugin with: npm i fastify-ydb-orm

const { YdbFastify } = require('fastify-ydb-orm');

app.register(YdbFastify, {
  endpoint: process.env.YDB_ENDPOINT,
  database: process.env.YDB_DATABASE,

  // optional: same authentication options as the library

  // optional: list of YdbModels to load
  models: [
  timeout: 2000,

  sync: true, // enable automatic schema synchronization and migration

// no need to create a connection explicitly in Fastify mode

Environment Variables 🌍

You can to set up the following environment variables to automatically load credentials:

YDB_SA_KEY - Path to the service account credential JSON file YDB_CERTS - Path to the YDB connection certificates. 🔒

Example Model 🧑‍💻

Here is an example of a user model that can be defined using the YDB ORM:

import { YdbModel, YdbDataType } from 'ydb-orm';
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';

type Fields = {
  id: string,
  name: string,
  createdAt: Date,

export class User extends YdbModel implements Fields {
  static schema = {
    id: YdbDataType.ascii,
    name: YdbDataType.ascii,

  id: Fields['id'];
  name: Fields['name'];
  createdAt: Fields['createdAt'];

  constructor(fields: Partial<Fields>) {
    const { name, id, createdAt } = fields; = id || nanoid(); = name || '';
    this.createdAt = createdAt || new Date();

Running Tests with Docker 🐳

You can easily run tests using Docker. No need to set up the Docker environment variables. Just using the following command:

npm run test-docker

Once the tests are completed, you can down the docker containers with:

npm run test-docker-clean

License 📜

This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Contributing 🤝

If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and create a pull request. Any contributions to improve the library are welcome!

Author ✍️

Georgy Malkov Email: [email protected] GitHub: goshander

This README provides a short overview of the YDB Simple ORM, demonstrating its features, installation, usage, and examples. Happy coding! 🎉


Yandex Database Simple ORM







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