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An esbuild plugin to help you bundle commonjs external modules.


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An esbuild plugin to help you bundle commonjs external modules.

This plugin is used to address evanw/esbuild#1467, where you want to bundle some commonjs external modules in es modules context. But accidentally you see a __require in your code prints error at runtime and forbids other bundlers from analyzing the dependencies. For example:

// some commonjs library, like react-dom
var React = require('react')

// your esm code
export { render } from 'react-dom'

// after esbuild --bundle
var React = __require('react') // <- you dislike this
// ...
export { render }

// with this plugin
import __import_react from 'react' // <- you want this
var React = __import_react
// ...
export { render }

This plugin was inspired by a comment under esbuild#1921 and the prototype was done after a day.


npm add -D @hyrious/esbuild-plugin-commonjs


const { commonjs } = require("@hyrious/esbuild-plugin-commonjs");

  entryPoints: ["lib.js"],
  bundle: true,
  format: "esm",
  external: ["react"],
  outfile: "out.js",
  plugins: [commonjs()],
}).catch(() => process.exit(1));


commonjs({ filter: /\.c?js$/, transform: false })

filter (default: /\.c?js$/)

A RegExp passed to onLoad() to match commonjs modules, it is recommended to set a custom filter to skip files for better performance.

requireReturnsDefault (default: true)

requireReturnsDefault: boolean | ((path: string) => boolean)

Controls which style of import statement to use replacing require calls in commonjs modules.

// input
const foo = require('foo')

// output if requireReturnsDefault is true (default behavior)
import foo from 'foo'

// output if requireReturnsDefault is false
import * as foo from 'foo'


Do not convert require calls to these modules. Note that this will cause esbuild to generate __require() wrappers and throw errors at runtime.

ignore: string[] | ((path: string) => boolean)

transform (default: false)

Try to transform commonjs to es modules. This trick is done with cjs-module-lexer to match the native (node) behavior as much as possible. Because this transformation may cause many bugs around the interop between cjs and esm, it can also accept a function to filter in the "safe to convert" modules by yourself.

transform: boolean | ((path: string) => {
  behavior?: "node" | "babel", exports?: string[], sideEffects?: boolean
} | null | void)

By default, if you toggle transform to true, it will convert this code:

exports.__esModule = true
exports.default = {} = 42

To this:

var exports = {}, module = { exports };
  exports.__esModule = true;
  exports.default = {}; = 42;
export default exports;
var { foo } = exports;
export { foo };

This is not equal to @rollup/plugin-commonjs.

This plugin does not convert your commonjs file into es modules, it just replace those require("x") expressions with import statements. It turns out that esbuild can handle this kind of mixed module (having import statement and module.exports at the same time) correctly.

The one acting the same exists in the branch rollup, but is not a good solution. It depends on a feature syntheticNamedExports and evanw (the author of esbuild) doesn't want to implement something out of spec. Without which you have to tell the plugin every single commonjs file's named exports, which sucks obviously.



Fix: skip shebangs when injecting import statements. (#6)


Add options requireReturnsDefault and ignore.


Add experimental option transform and transformConfig.


MIT @ hyrious