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@joakime joakime tagged this 18 Mar 15:51
 + 2717 Async requests are not considered when shutting down gracefully
 + 3377 Improve jetty-ssl-context.xml
 + 5308 Extract httpConfig and scheduler configuration out of jetty.xml
 + 8768 JSON support for Java 16+ Records
 + 9529 Expose TCP connection establishment information
 + 11307 Explicit demand control in WebSocket endpoints with only
 + 11325 Review content-length check in ServletChannel
 + 11413 Conscrypt does not support server-side SNI
 + 11579 Introduce `UriCompliance.Violation.FRAGMENT` to reject HTTP Request
   Line that includes fragment section.
 + 11947 Jetty12: HttpConfiguration#_relativeRedirectAllowed flipped to true
   per default
 + 12153 Failed to serve resource java.lang.IllegalStateException: s=HANDLING
   rs=ASYNC os=OPEN is=IDLE awp=false se=false i=true al=0
 + 12266 InvocationType improvements and cleanups
 + 12272 Potential deadlock with Vaadin
 + 12323 AsyncMiddleManServlet response flushing
 + 12324 Response compression does not work when the `Accept-Encoding: *`
   request header is used.
 + 12428 No ALPNProcessor for org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.ProvSSLEngine
   error with jetty http2 client
 + 12429 HandshakeRequest getHeaders are case sensitive.
 + 12436 Allow headers size extend to maxRequestHeadersSize in http client
 + 12469 Content.Sink.write(sink, last, utf8Content, callback) could become
 + 12481 Exception when a Content-Length is set on a 304 response
 + 12482 CustomRequestLog %q inconsistency with a doc
 + 12488 HTTP/2 headers may not be split in CONTINUATION frames
 + 12496 MultiPartFormData.Parser question.
 + 12505 `ErrorPageErrorHandler` does not use the proper attributes for error
 + 12520 Numerous stack traces logged at warning level when running under
   HTTP/2 (regression in 12.0.15)
 + 12553 Execute immediately HTTP/2 failures
 + 12558 Document graceful shutdown
 + 12577 org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpURI.getDecodedPath() throws an NPE when
   there is no path
 + 12578 HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap - UnmodifiableMap does not wrap a
   jetty MultiMap
 + 12588 oejhs.AbstractHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory installs the
   HTTP2SessionContainer bean twice
 + 12603 ee9 / UnsupportedOperationException: Read Only
 + 12609 Change of behaviour with HttpServletResponse.sendError(0) in EE10
 + 12612 Use Compression classes for client decoding
 + 12625 Request.getBeginNanoTime returns invalid values
 + 12639 Request.Content.getContentType()'s Javadoc contradicts
 + 12644 use a builder API for OpenIdConfiguration
 + 12646 CompleteListener may be invoked twice
 + 12650 Attribute org.eclipse.jetty.multipartConfig is null
 + 12652 Jetty Reactive client hangs for HTTP 401 responses
 + 12663 Improve scalability of HttpCookieStore.Default
 + 12670 Improve buffer management of HTTP/1 response headers
 + 12674 EE8 has reference to Xalan jars that are no longer needed on new JVMs
 + 12680 ResourceHandler cannot handle files over 2GB in size.
 + 12681 CachingHttpContentFactory$CachedHttpContent already released buffer
 + 12683 Cross context dispatch to root context uses incorrect target path
 + 12687 Buffer reusal in the BufferingResponseListener
 + 12689 Add statistics about `ByteBufferPool.acquire()` calls made for which
   there is no bucket
 + 12690 Add configurable capping for values of H2 `MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE`
   settings frames
 + 12695 12.1.0 - ResourceHandler is unable to serve content from PathResource
   that doesn't support mapped file buffers.
 + 12705 Orphaned sessions are never deleted at runtime in the
 + 12706 Export ArrayByteBufferPool statistics via JMX
 + 12714 MongoSessionDataStore can't upsert sessions if workerName contains
   token deliminators
 + 12723 Only on Windows: Failed startup of context oeje8w.WebAppContext
 + 12730 RegexRule needs configurable to include query (or not) in match logic
 + 12739 Regression in handing CombinedResource WEB-INF between Jetty 11 and
   Jetty 12
 + 12750 UriCompliance is ignored for query string parsing
 + 12760 Jetty snapshot process publishes incorrect BOMs that are different
   from the release BOMs
 + 12768 Static HTML in demos still refer to Jetty 10/11 and earlier concepts.
 + 12775 EE9 Servlet API throws exceptions in normal control flow
 + 12790 Cannot invoke
   "" because "buffer"
   is null
 + 12792 Issue when scrolling around in embedded videos
 + 12802 Make Server::setDefaultHandler and Server::setErrorHandler arguments
 + 12810 Add `jetty-ee` to a BOM
 + 12821 Restore ee9/ee8 ContextHandler.setCompactPath(boolean) behavior for
   backward compat reasons
 + 12824 Pairing ee{8,9,10} environemnt class loading with additional
 + 12828 HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() does not support relative paths
 + 12834 Quotes should be escaped in request logs
 + 12852 Jetty's 12.1.0 ArrayByteBufferPool.Quadratic
 + 12855 `` may call `release()` more than once
 + 12882 HttpConfiguration setResponseHeaderSize is ineffective in 12.0.17
 + 12888 ErrorPageHandler dispatcher returns incorrect 405 for failing POST
   requests (e.g. JAX-RS)
 + 12892 Module http-forwarded does not appear to be able to use the IP in
   X-Forwarded-For header with any TLS HTTP request if the module http2 is also
 + 12900 JPMS and environments
 + 12906 URIUtil#correctURI throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - Jetty 12
Assets 2