Team: Git It Together
Members: Amanda Kim (akim148), Da Yea Song (dsong13), Nhi Dinh (nhidinh), Xingtong Li (xli355)
Project: Predicting Income for Service Occupations and Employment Changes Across States
About: Our project focuses on predicting income levels and employment changes in service-related occupations across U.S. states using real-world data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This work highlights the importance of leveraging data-driven insights to anticipate job market dynamics—an invaluable skill for graduate students preparing to enter or influence the workforce.
Our product is a dashboard, created through Shiny, that allows any individual to enter in their characteristics to predict average weekly income (race, sex, year) and to predict employment changes (U.S. State, service-related occupation).
Updated Info (12/23): Use late days from Amanda Kim & Da Yea Song