This is a page to collate my notes as I work to solidify in my mind what monads really are. Once my understanding stablilizes I plan to convert this into more of a cheatsheet.
I hope it helps show how simple these concepts are!
If this seems like a long read, it's because it gives the same basic info in like 20 different ways! Feel free to jump around to whichever parts seem helpful and stop reading once you feel you've got it =)
My goal is not to provide a complete introduction to monads, but to summarize the important points in a way that is easy to understand for someone who already has some experience working with or learning about monads.
For a more complete introduction, please see the sources below. Alternatively, ask your local functional programming nerd/type theorist and they likely have even better resources to recommend!
- Update: a monad is just an endofunctor that's also a monoid in the same category. Idk why Saunders couldn't have just said that haha. This page will likely get updated gradually.
A monadic type is the base type plus some structure which may contain extra information/effects.
Having a monad means that:
You have a type constructor that builds a monadic type
M (S a)
for elements of typea
in structureS
(which may have some extra information/effects) -
You have a function that takes an
S a
and puts it into a monadic typeM (S a)
, AKA a type converter or return -
You have a function that chains together operations performed upon an
M (S a)
, AKA a combinator or bind -
You can use points 2 and 3 together to perform operations on elements of the monadic type that affect either only the elements or only the structure
"A monad (in a
) is a monoid in the category of endofunctors (of a
)." Since it's a monoid
(see below for more), we know we'll get something of the same (monadic) type out of the endofunctors
and can safely hide some extra information/effects inside their structure/execution pipelines:
A monoid is a set combined with a binary associative operator and an identitiy element. Each monoid has a type of elements within the set (this set type could be anything), an operator that exhibits totality and associativity, and an element that exhibits identity when used with that operator:
A monad is a monoid whose set type is a type of endofunctor. Each monad has a type constructor, a bind operator, and a return operator:
- ((f ∘ g) ∘ h)(x) = (f ∘ (g ∘ h))(x)
(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)
(x * y) * z = x * (y * z)
(x / y) / z != x / (y / z)
- (f ∘ i)(x) = x
- (i ∘ f)(x) = x
x + 0 = x
1 * x = x
- T -> T
Integer + Integer = Integer
Float * Float = Float
Integer / Integer = Float
class Functor S where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> S a -> S b
class Endofunctor S where
fmap :: (a -> a) -> S a -> S a
-- Monad a == Monoid (S a)
class Monoid a where
op :: a -> a -> a
op x (op y z) == op (op x y) z
id :: a
op id x = x
op x id = x
class Monad a where
TypeConstructor :: a -> M a
TypeConstructor x = M x
`>>=` :: M a -> a -> M b) -> M b
M x >>= f = f x :: M b
M x >>= (\x' -> (f x' >>= g)) == (M x >>= f) >>= g :: M c
return :: a -> M a
return x >>= f == f x :: M a
M x >>= return == M x :: M a
-- | A functor is something you can map over.
-- A list is an example of a functor
class Functor S where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> S a -> S b
-- | An endofunctor is like a functor but elements in the output are the same
type as elements in the input.
A deck of cards (for the sake of example, ranked in order [2..K,A] and
[C,D,H,S], no Jokers), is an example of an endofunctor. If you have a
function that takes an input card and returns the next card in ranked
order (or with 2C if the input card is AH), applying this function to a
deck of cards would yield a deck of cards. If you have a function that
takes an input card and returns a dollar bill, however, applying it to
a deck of cards would yield a stack of dollar bills, not a deck of cards.
class Endofunctor S where
fmap :: (a -> a) -> S a -> S a
-- Structure - potentially
-- extra info/effects!
-- |
-- v
-- Monad a == Monoid (S a)
class Monoid a where
-- | Totality (per type definition)
op :: a -> a -> a
-- | Associativity
op x (op y z) == op (op x y) z
id :: a
-- | Left identity
op id x = x
-- | Right identity
op x id = x
class Monad a where
TypeConstructor :: a -> M a
TypeConstructor x = M x
-- | AKA combinator, map, or flatmap.
-- Congruent to op in Monoid.
-- Totality (per type definition)
bind :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
bind (M x) f = f(x) :: M b
-- | Associativity
bind (M x) (\x' -> (bind (f(x')) g)) == bind (bind (M x) f) g
-- | Alternative bind - infix of above
-- Totality (per type definition)
`>>=` :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
M x >>= f = f x :: M b
-- | Associativity
M x >>= (\x' -> (f x' >>= g)) == (M x >>= f) >>= g :: M c
-- | AKA type converter or unit.
-- Congruent to id in Monoid
return :: a -> M a
-- | Left identity
return x >>= f == f x :: M a
-- | Right identity
M x >>= return == M x :: M a
-- | Example: Function returning a monadic type.
-- Inflates an imaginary (i.e. actually inflating the balloon as a side
-- effect is not modeled here) balloon by 5 pounds per square inch.
-- Returns Nothing if the balloon pops.
-- See note* below if this doesn't make sense
inflateBalloon :: Int -> Maybe Int
inflateBalloon psi
| lb <= 50 = Just (5 + psi)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Example: Chaining binds.
-- Inflates the imginary balloon twice, for a total of 10 additional
-- pounds per square inch.
-- Returns Nothing if the balloon pops during either inflation step
dangerouslyInflateBalloon :: Int -> Maybe Int
dangerouslyInflateBalloon xs = inflateBalloon x >>= inflateBalloon
dangerouslyInflateBalloon' :: Int -> Maybe Int
dangerouslyInflateBalloon' xs = bind (inflateBalloon x) inflateBalloon
-- | Example: Adding Effects.
-- Deflates the imaginary balloon by 5 pounds per square inch and
-- prints the new psi to stdout
deflateBalloonWithMonitor :: Int -> IO Int
deflateBalloonWithMonitor psi
| psi <= 0 = do
let psi' = 0
print psi'
return psi'
| otherwise = do
let psi' = psi - 5
print psi'
return psi'
*For more information on the Maybe monad, see pretty much any introductory source on monads below, like Learn You A Haskell or Wikipedia
Some of these sources are more reliable than others, but I've found them all helpful in gaining a more complete understanding. Notably, the two videos at the top contain some inaccuracies, but they still can be a good starting point for wrapping your brain around the concepts in a practical way.
- A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors. Whats the problem? #SoMe2
- What is a monad? (Design Pattern)
- Wikipedia: Monad (functional programming)
- Wikipedia: Monad (category theory)
- Wikipedia: Monoid
- Learn You A Haskell (Community Edition)
- Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours (Wikibooks Edition)
- Haskell Wiki: Monad
- What is a Monad? - Computerphile
- Functor
- Monoid
- Monad
- Maybe
- mtl
- random
- free