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Kevin Callahan edited this page Jul 9, 2016 · 10 revisions

To use the generated Desired State Configuration, the target server will require one or two modules beyond what's installed with PowerShell 4.0. These modules should be placed in %programfiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules:


xWebAdministration is the only additional module needed for DSC generator v2. Use xWebAdministration version 12.0 or higher. It can be found in the PowerShell Gallery and the source can be found here.


v1.x versions of the DSC generator use this library, this should not be used for new work. cWebAdministration is the community fork of xWebAdministration. In mid-2015 only cWebAdministration had the features needed to make DSC based configuration viable for IIS AppPools and Websites. Since then Microsoft has made great progress with xWebAdministration. xWebAdministration should be used for new DSC configurations.

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